View Full Version : Film

03-12-2010, 11:24 PM
Well since I know have 5 film cameras and am craving to shoot so bad I have decided to forgo the enlargers and the photo development of the print. I found a negative scanner for medium and 35mm negatives so I think how I will go with film. A dark room right now is soo much money to build one and space is an issue so I thought go with scanner it also lets me play a bit with colour film should the mood hit me.

Then all I need is a dark space, could be closet sealed to keep the light out, space for developing negative is minimal. So I will grab a tank that does both 35mm and Medium format. I kept looking at all the space I would need for a dark room and thought no, it would be nice but I have a family and I rather spend money on other parts of the house then the cost of proper dark room.

So within 60 days I should be shooting film, just have to get a few dollars to get it going. I went today and had them do a demonstration on the scanner, I am not that familiar with negative scanners but was unaware that it develops the image and sends it to computer and then you can edit it like any other image. So glad I read as much as I do, I have all these cool cameras and I want to use them and this is the best, least expensive way to do it. And I can my Photo printer to print.

03-13-2010, 09:54 AM
From my experience you really don't need a darkroom for developping film in a tank. Just get yourself a good old "change bag" that you'll use to put the exposed film in the tank. Once the film in the tank, it's fully workable in full light. I've done this all the time years ago.

Wicked Dark
03-13-2010, 09:59 AM
You can also get just negs done for short money at any camera shop that still has a mini lab. I used to do it for customers back in the 80s when I ran labs like that. It's just a few bucks. You can get using film earlier if you give this a try before you get your home set up done. And yeah, a black bag or box is really all you need to load film onto the reels and get them into the tank.

03-13-2010, 11:22 AM
I do hope you post many film shots A.L.
I'm missing film.

03-13-2010, 06:05 PM
I do hope you post many film shots A.L.
I'm missing film.

Why I am so stoked, film again after I was sure at one time I was done with it when I went with a DSLR. So I made some calls around and I found a better scanner for a better price. So I will keep looking and if I come across a deal of a lifetime price I will grab it the moment I see it. I also thought about all the chemicals I would have to start storing and thought why if I can around it. I would like to use a dark room but if the urge hits me I can always just rent one by the day or hour. Also it makes no sense to get someone to develop the negatives when I can do it with relative ease. Once someone else steps in to do anything even develop the negatives I feel like I didn't do it all so it not all my work. Just of my many quirks. Now I can snag a Holga too along with three other film camera's I want over time.

03-14-2010, 12:29 AM
Why I am so stoked, film again after I was sure at one time I was done with it when I went with a DSLR. So I made some calls around and I found a better scanner for a better price. So I will keep looking and if I come across a deal of a lifetime price I will grab it the moment I see it. I also thought about all the chemicals I would have to start storing and thought why if I can around it. I would like to use a dark room but if the urge hits me I can always just rent one by the day or hour. Also it makes no sense to get someone to develop the negatives when I can do it with relative ease. Once someone else steps in to do anything even develop the negatives I feel like I didn't do it all so it not all my work. Just of my many quirks. Now I can snag a Holga too along with three other film camera's I want over time.

SLIDESHOW! I miss that era, when people would have a small party to "see our holiday pictures", on the wall. 35mm projectors are fairly cheap and don't require enlargers. B&W film can be developed as positives, too.
The detail from a medium format frame is truly amazing. So a Holga would do that, without much control of exposure. Don't forget the electrical tape, they leak like a sieve. Why a Holga, rather that some other MF camera?