View Full Version : Hercules airoplane

03-12-2010, 03:08 PM
Does anybody have any ideas as to how I can create a fine art photograph out of this picture?
Im a bit stuck with it, It may not be worth doing anything with...?

The plane came out of nowhere, I wasnt ready for it. Luckily my camera was set on auto focus in sports mode.

Feel free to play with it, I will be interested to see what you can make of it.

03-15-2010, 07:14 PM
It looks like your auto setting metered for the sky and the Herc was left in the shadows. It's tough when they come out of nowhere. The smallish jpeg doesn't allow a lot of latitude for play so I did a B/W fix.


03-16-2010, 01:08 AM
That's a lucky snap shot. Every summer a Hercules and a Ju are flying over our city for sightseeing flights!

For the picture: Michael did well with the b/w treatment. Maybe a sepia tone would work too here?