View Full Version : 4.7 rant
03-07-2010, 10:14 PM
Not a big 8.0 rant, just a minor rumbling...I keep reading in various places and sources about the on board camera beep cameras emit when the achieve focus. All these sources have the same message "Don't turn on the beep function unless you want to look like an armature!" This bugs me because I couldn't give a flying you know what if I LOOK like an armature. Oh I get it...Turn the freaking beep off and pose as a pro! I don't care if I look like a panhandler, who cares? If my work is helped by the beep, then by God it's gonna be in the ON position!!!...This concludes smallish rant:D
03-07-2010, 10:17 PM
Hehehehe... I really don't care if you use the beep or not. For me I found the sound annoying. I also really don't give a flying **** what people think I look like when I'm shooting :)
Wicked Dark
03-07-2010, 10:25 PM
Well there's armature and amateur...I guess it depends on your goals in life. I leave the beep on. what with the general craptacular performance of digital focusing screens, a best guess is all I can get sometimes.
03-07-2010, 10:26 PM
Hehehehe... I really don't care if you use the beep or not. For me I found the sound annoying. I also really don't give a flying **** what people think I look like when I'm shooting :)
recent photos on this site would indicate that you are not alone :laugh:
you find this in every area that people want to show their expertise. But I agree.
If I may add- I hate when people ask what camera you have and then act like it's beneath them.
so the lesson is that there are *******s everywhere. Not comforting, but there you have it.
03-07-2010, 10:28 PM
:laughing: Just realized the spell checker has reduced me to an electric motor part if I use the beep. It's the perceived notion of the projected self crap that annoys me, the reason we have to drive the Beamer, put on the make-up, wear just the right brand of jeans or turn the beep off...This stuff has always gotten my goat!...Now where the hell did I put my meds! :D
Wicked Dark
03-07-2010, 10:30 PM
Hey now...I have 2 Beemers and a Bimmer and I'm not all that.
Oh and just for you Michael -
03-07-2010, 10:33 PM
If I may add- I hate when people ask what camera you have and then act like it's beneath them.
LOL.... Now you've got me going! I've noticed for a long time that men walking toward you on the street with a camera draped around their necks, will at some point before they pass you, try and steal a quick glance at your equipment...Just like they were in the next urinal! We are sure a funny species:D
03-07-2010, 10:34 PM
Thanks WD...I needed that :D:highfive:
03-07-2010, 10:42 PM
I use the beep...I have double vision and it helps me know that I am in focus , especially if I am having a bad eye day. I could give a rat's hiney if it perceived amateurish. :rolleyes:
I think its really obvious how I feel about how I look when I shoot. :laughing: I have no issues getting on the ground, getting wet, muddy, dirty...I think some of my best photos have come as a result. :laughing:
I also take a couple hundred shots whenever I go out which also seems to be looked down upon at times also from reading posts in various forums....I dunno.... whatever works for you is exactly that. What works for for me. :thumbup:
03-07-2010, 10:43 PM
LOL.... Now you've got me going! I've noticed for a long time that men walking toward you on the street with a camera draped around their necks, will at some point before they pass you, try and steal a quick glance at your equipment...Just like they were in the next urinal! We are sure a funny species:D
Maybe they're checking out the size of your lens! ;)
03-07-2010, 11:03 PM
Maybe they're checking out the size of your lens! ;)
I thought that it wasn't the size but what you did with it that mattered? :laughing:
03-07-2010, 11:12 PM
I thought that it wasn't the size but what you did with it that mattered? :laughing:
It would be cool if like you can change your lens, you could change your......Maybe not...Nevermind:clown:
Mad Aussie
03-08-2010, 12:17 AM
Never even heard of such a suggestion (to turn off beep to look less amateur) and certainly won't be giving it an ounce of thought. Next thing they be telling you how to dress or what camera to use too.
03-08-2010, 12:34 AM
I doubt they'd dare mention it in your hood MA :laughing: Interesting as an aside, when you think about how many potential concepts we choose to divide ourselves over...Mac, PC...Dog, Cat,...Nikon, Canon...Ford, Chevy...Gibson, Fender...Liberal, Conservative to the nth calculation. It's the beastie within, the driver of this behavior, that eventually could place us in a very low spike on the historical chart of our overall performance as humans. Couple all this with the weight of beeping or not and.....:confused: :laughing:
03-08-2010, 12:36 AM
HA! Do you know how many times Ive been laughed at or asked why I use a Pentax camera. Same idea. I think they are jealous because their hot knob isnt quite as nice as mine. :-)
Mad Aussie
03-08-2010, 01:45 AM
:) :)
03-08-2010, 01:56 AM
Camera's have beeps? I couldn't hear them over the music anyway. I just assumed everyone turned off anything annoying, guess what annoys some helps others.
03-08-2010, 02:00 AM
From what I've seen of great Pentax imagery you have little to defend. As an X Olympus user I can tell you flat out that the products gleam. You can have a billion dollar hammer and bend a nail. Once the nail is bent, it's up to your PP skills. More important, it's not what you use to capture the image but the image itself...That's where the rubber hits the road. Any discussion that ignores this fact is doomed to walk in fields of geek jargon till 2012. Now you stand up on a chair or something, with your Pentax held high over your head and yell " I'm a Pentax user and I'm Proud!" :D
03-08-2010, 02:59 AM
As a Pentax user with no beep. Should I put a beeper in my pocket and trigger it just before taking picture?
My auto focus will not allow me to open shutter until it's correctly set together with anti shake seems a pain at times but give it its due don't delete as many when it's turned on. And what is the point in taking a photo to then just delete.
It was the unheard noise which bugged me. New web cam is OK but old one would pick up phones polling but you never realised until you came to play back.
Wonder if they mess up any photos? One would not realise a phone had polled so unlikely to ever realise what had caused bad image!
Mad Aussie
03-08-2010, 03:20 AM
As a Pentax user with no beep. Should I put a beeper in my pocket and trigger it just before taking picture?
Don't be a dumbass :headslap:
You should make a beep sound with your mouth :p If you're really 'pro' ... you'd make whirring sounds when you focus too! ;)
03-08-2010, 03:32 AM
Nooo! I'm so dissapointed in you guys! The beep is THE most important thing in photography. Without it, you'll never take good pictures. It's what all the pro's use and without it you're just a useless amature tourist kind of guy. Real connaisseurs can hear by just listening to the beep which camera is used and at which settings. Without the beep, no photography...
You should have know this... :headslap:
Mad Aussie
03-08-2010, 03:41 AM
That's a <beep>ing load of <beep>ing nonsense if I've ever <beep>ing heard nonsense before! ;)
"Focus Daniel-san" - Mr Miyagi
"BEEP" - Daniel
"Well done" - Mr Miyagi
03-08-2010, 06:32 AM
That's a <beep>ing load of <beep>ing nonsense if I've ever <beep>ing heard nonsense before! ;)
"Focus Daniel-san" - Mr Miyagi
"BEEP" - Daniel
"Well done" - Mr Miyagi
My canon flashes one of the 9 focus squares, so I don't use the beep. There are many occasions where I would be quite annoyed by beeping cameras.. or flashes too for that matter.
03-08-2010, 08:20 AM
All this ranting just reminded me of the comment I got last week.
"What kind of camera do you have?", I was asked.
"Canon Rebel XSi.", I reply.
"Wow, it takes really nice pictures.", I was told.
Wicked Dark
03-08-2010, 08:22 AM
so just say to them "your mouth makes nice compliments". (stolen from what the Duck)
03-08-2010, 08:42 AM
All this ranting just reminded me of the comment I got last week.
"What kind of camera do you have?", I was asked.
"Canon Rebel XSi.", I reply.
"Wow, it takes really nice pictures.", I was told.
yes, if we would just set our cameras free and not yoke them to us, the world of photography would be better off. Instead of a rangefinder camera we could have free range cameras!!!
Let's not forget those who believe that because you use PS or other program you don't know how to take really good pictures.
03-08-2010, 08:57 AM
There are some bike owners I've heard that actually have expensive bikes but take the logos off and spray paint them black so they don't get stolen.
Funny how society is so brand based....and so many things one does/has/owns is seen as a way to compartmentalize/compare. I've always wanted to read the book "No Logo" by Naomi Klein about that exact subject. :)
03-08-2010, 10:18 AM
Nice shoes, but do they always put your foot in your mouth? :angel:
03-08-2010, 01:06 PM
I haven't read the beep comment either....People can do what they like of course, but the beep is annoying to anyone but the photographer taking the pic.....:twocents: the exact same way that loud ringtones and people that talk too loudly on their cellphones in public are very annoying.
Mad Aussie
03-08-2010, 02:41 PM
Until they stop Harley Davidsons belting out 120+ db's I'm sure as hell not going to worry about how my beep is.
The beep is what? 2 db?
When I'm taking photos, and there are people close enough to hear my beep, I'll betcha their big mouths are making way more noise than me and my camera.
03-08-2010, 02:55 PM
Not if you are wedding photographer and the beeps (from the pro's camera as well as the cameras of guests) keep going on during the ceremony.
It really depends on the environment....
03-08-2010, 03:53 PM
As I said mine is vision issue based.... so if it annoys people should I stop doing photography then? :shrug:
The other issue for me then to not use it is to have photos not in focus...which happens more times than not if I take the sound away....I have trouble seeing the red dot a lot of times.
Which one is it? :confused:
03-08-2010, 04:17 PM
No offense meant casil and nobody is telling you to stop taking pix - course not you take great pix.
I just added my comment that it's annoying in certain cases...In most cases the natural noise of the environment blocks out the beep.
If you were hearing impaired and spoke too loudly in public, that too would be annoying if nobody knew were hearing impaired as they might just think that you are one of those um 'loud' people.... Most people are compassionate so if they KNOW the reason, they'll be cool with it...but in your case How can they know? It's a tricky one on an obviously sensitive subject :twocents: My comment was off topic anyway so I'll stop now.
03-08-2010, 04:24 PM
No offense taken at all Marko... :)
I guess I just meant that there are all sides of the coin and mine is a legitimate impairment....never used to be until I suffered a fairly decent concussion a year an a half ago...which caused some permanent vision impairment/loss. :shrug:
Funny story...I was with a friend of mine the other day who has a cararact and cannot see out of his eye...we were trying to find a number in the phonebook so he passes it to me to find it and I can't see anything except a bunch of blurry double letters (bad eye day) so he (the blind man) has to read it to me! :headslap:
Mad Aussie
03-08-2010, 06:53 PM
Actually that is a good point. If the environment dictates that silence (or as quiet as one can be) is necessary, such as during the wedding ceremony, or shooting a gall bladder operation or something, then certainly turning off the beep would be a courtesy to others.
But if someone walks up to me in a park and tells me my beep is too loud I'm likely to tell them that "in one single sentence you just made more useless noise than my beep is going to make in a year of shooting so <beep> off <beep>head " :)
03-08-2010, 08:21 PM
Don't be a dumbass :headslap:
You should make a beep sound with your mouth :p If you're really 'pro' ... you'd make whirring sounds when you focus too! ;)
Lol. this thread is a hoot. I have an old beater chevy pickup and when I park at the grocery store or somewhere else in town and my dog is with me, just before I shut my door I release the driver's seat forward so he doesn't sit there and get it full of dog hair, and when I do that it springs forward and hits the horn. And every time someone happens to be walking by and hears the brief honk as I shut my door I chuckle (inside) that it's like I'm activating my cowboy car alarm. Sometimes I even pretend I'm pushing a button on my keychain just to mess with their minds (like why would anyone install an alarm on that old piece of junk?)
Mad Aussie
03-08-2010, 09:14 PM
... and with the latest Canine Intrusion System in place anyhow!!
03-08-2010, 09:17 PM
... and with the latest Canine Intrusion System in place anyhow!!
well he's a cocker spaniel that pees when startled, another reason I keep him out of the driver's seat. :laughing:
Mad Aussie
03-08-2010, 09:20 PM
well he's a cocker spaniel that pees when startled, another reason I keep him out of the driver's seat. :laughing:
Well you should have paid more and gotten something better than the Canine Intrusion System Mk1 - Lick First Bark If No Food model :headslap:
03-08-2010, 09:35 PM
"No Logo" by Naomi Klein about that exact subject. :)
Stunning book, a must read and as good as her book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism ( If you read one, you should read both. Stellar books.
03-08-2010, 11:21 PM
Stunning book, a must read and as good as her book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism ( If you read one, you should read both. Stellar books.
Wow it sounds good too...On the next to read list for certain!
FWIW I'm a huge Malcom Gladwell fan also. I've read The Tipping Point and Blink...loved them both! :) As soon as school is over..reading season begins!
03-08-2010, 11:30 PM
I finally took a good listen and my camera makes no beep :clap:
03-09-2010, 12:17 AM
Try shooting with two SB600's and an SB900 flash using command mode....Now we're beeping! :laughing:
Mad Aussie
03-09-2010, 12:37 AM
Try shooting with two SB600's and an SB900 flash using command mode....Now we're beeping! :laughing:
You beep loud ... you beep proud Michael!! :thumbup:
03-09-2010, 09:03 AM
You beep loud ... you beep proud Michael!! :thumbup:
well now that could be a t-shirt line:
'beep loud. beep proud.'
'I beep therefore I photograph'
we could come up with more.
and one for Iggy:
'yes my camera takes good pictures. But your mouth makes stupid statements'
03-09-2010, 09:29 AM
There are tons of great t-shirt lines in here...great thread MAW!
Way to "beeping" start it! :highfive:
03-09-2010, 09:50 AM
Just another BEEPING photographer
03-11-2010, 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by casil403
Maybe they're checking out the size of your lens!
I thought that it wasn't the size but what you did with it that mattered? :laughing:
Okay, this beeping guy wins...
...bum chicka wah wah!...
03-12-2010, 06:43 PM
Looks like a grenade launcher. Thanks for sharing.
Originally Posted by casil403
Maybe they're checking out the size of your lens!
Okay, this beeping guy wins...
...bum chicka wah wah!...
Everyone needs auto insurance (
03-15-2010, 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by casil403
Maybe they're checking out the size of your lens!
Okay, this beeping guy wins...
...bum chicka wah wah!...
What takes more exercise ? carrying that gear or walking the extra mile to get closer? what the hell was he photographing? The moons craters? I bet those bumper stickers on his lens were free from the company
03-15-2010, 10:01 PM
He's at a race track, once at Laguna Seca when I was in the infield I got to watch the photographers all dive for cover when a wheel came of a car. It bounced over them all, but I bet through those lenses it looked too close.
04-17-2010, 05:43 PM
That does look like a big launcher.
“I always thought good photos were like good jokes. If you have to explain it, it just isn’t that good.” – Anonymous
I like that!
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