View Full Version : The Core

03-06-2010, 02:46 AM
The shiny highrises are a backdrop to the old Bay building which in turn looks down the old store fronts. I like the way everything appears pushed up against the other. Here we can also see the wires for the trolleys and the ultra modern new train platform.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4037/4409771349_a7e100340b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jas_photos/4409771349/)

Mad Aussie
03-06-2010, 03:21 AM
I like the way they write "Train' On the side of the trains, you know, in case you think it's a boat, bunny, or a butterfly perhaps? :)

03-06-2010, 04:25 AM
Ha! Ha! Actually it is stylized C Train and the CT also stands for Calgary Transit.

03-06-2010, 08:18 AM
MA is partially right, the label is for the politicians. Since they would never be caught dead taking public transport it helps them understand what the difference is between a bus and a train. The colours are consistent so they do know it is the peasant transport system.

03-06-2010, 08:48 AM
nice shot JAS.
Greg - I like how you do facetious!!! LMAO

03-06-2010, 09:36 AM
Interesting shot JAS.
Greg: :laughing:

Labels are important you know :rolleyes:

Mad Aussie
03-06-2010, 02:50 PM
And I thought it was because Canadians are thick. Or Unable to distinguish between large metal objects and little furry ones. I gotta stop jumping to conclusions :wall-an:

03-06-2010, 02:55 PM
Well, you know if given half a chance we would be running horses down the 7th Avenue corridor but that is frowned upon needless to say.

03-06-2010, 06:59 PM
Well, you know if given half a chance we would be running horses down the 7th Avenue corridor but that is frowned upon needless to say.

environmentally friendly though :)

03-06-2010, 07:51 PM
environmentally friendly though :)

True dat. But someone would have to shovel the poo. Maybe retiring politicians since they have lots of experience?

03-12-2010, 02:12 PM
This is one of my favorite shots recently, so thanks ed and Bambi for actually commenting on the photography.

03-12-2010, 05:35 PM
This is one of my favorite shots recently, so thanks ed and Bambi for actually commenting on the photography.

hey no problem. :cool: you know I am a fan :)