View Full Version : Sundown

03-05-2010, 06:38 PM
The days are getting longer , I have to stay at work longer so I can be driving home when the sun is going down. There where some very cool clouds reflecting the sunset.

03-05-2010, 10:56 PM
where you driving down the road when you took this?

03-05-2010, 11:08 PM
I was in the car but stopped. I rest my lens on the window. I miss a lot of good shots this time of year by not getting out and setting up my tripod, but it's cold out there!!!

Mad Aussie
03-06-2010, 12:16 AM
It sure was a bright one!

03-06-2010, 11:23 PM
I like it, and I'd like it even more if the foreground was a bit brighter, like if you either used a grad ND filter and upped the exposure at capture or even just :eek: dodged it up a bit in post :eek:

...and MA I'm getting wise to your way of subtly pointing out a potential issue in an image without actually saying it outright. Ohhh, you are smooth! :laughing: Now I know what you meant when I was in my eye-candy HDR phase and you would write "sure is vivid"

Mad Aussie
03-07-2010, 12:32 AM
...and MA I'm getting wise to your way of subtly pointing out a potential issue in an image without actually saying it outright. Ohhh, you are smooth! :laughing: Now I know what you meant when I was in my eye-candy HDR phase and you would write "sure is vivid"
I like to massage the newbies before I tell them bad stuff ;)

03-07-2010, 02:10 AM
I like it, and I'd like it even more if the foreground was a bit brighter, like if you either used a grad ND filter and upped the exposure at capture or even just dodged it up a bit in post

Bang on critique Imo.
A potential solve might be to crop just slightly below the fences or mid-fence, and work it a bit harder in curves.

Wicked cool cloud formations!
Hope that helps -Marko

03-07-2010, 03:52 PM
Curves would be nice. Windows 7 ate my CS3 so unfortunately I am limited to Lightroom. Thankyou for the comments everyone (even MA) I kind of got it when you posted.Gale

Mad Aussie
03-07-2010, 04:35 PM
Lightroom has the curves feature (called Tone Curve) and is very effective.

I would also use the recovery feature to regain a little detail in that bright spot as well.

03-08-2010, 08:56 AM
Amazing cloud shot. Never though of using the clouds to hide the sun but I like the affect. Always good to have your camera with you so you can take advantage of what nature can give us.

Thanks for sharing to shot.


03-08-2010, 09:16 AM
I like it, and I'd like it even more if the foreground was a bit brighter, like if you either used a grad ND filter and upped the exposure at capture or even just :eek: dodged it up a bit in post :eek:

...and MA I'm getting wise to your way of subtly pointing out a potential issue in an image without actually saying it outright. Ohhh, you are smooth! :laughing: Now I know what you meant when I was in my eye-candy HDR phase and you would write "sure is vivid"

I like to massage the newbies before I tell them bad stuff ;)

Oh yeah. It's like interpreting your child's report card: "Amanda has a lot share in class" --interpretation- your child talks too damn much.

The only one I haven't figured out is 'interesting' -whether that's good or bad :shrug:

but the upside is that it makes me look again with my own eyes rather then rely on someone else. :)

03-08-2010, 08:50 PM
Lightroom has the curves feature (called Tone Curve) and is very effective.

I would also use the recovery feature to regain a little detail in that bright spot as well.

Yes absolutely this image can be improved quite nicely in Lightroom alone. Recovery slider, tone curve, local adjustment brush to dodge the foreground (or crop as per Marko's suggestion) and it's a home run. Excellent sky there.

P.S. Gale, I'll have to start another thread to satisfy my curiosity on what you meant by "Windows 7 ate my CS3" because I am starting to have problems with Windows 7 myself.... I had a feeling I should have pushed the budget and gone Mac.