View Full Version : Black and white processing and galleries

03-01-2010, 09:09 PM
Hey everyone,
I'm looking for a good photo processing shop in Toronto where the staff is knowledgable and have the skills to properly process black and white film. I'm looking for a good darkroom for rent as well.
Also, are there any websites where I can get information about photo exhibitions taking place in the city.

03-01-2010, 10:11 PM
These are two of the better printers in Toronto from what I hear, I do all my own printing but these two printers have good reputations.

:: :: :: :: PIKTO :: :: :: :: (http://pikto.ca/)

Elevator Professional Photographic Lab (http://elevatordigital.ca/)

Dark rooms I am not sure of, there used to lots and all the ones I knew of are no longer around and is why I am setting up my own. Try a google search or post on craigslist or look and you may find one to rent.

I assume you mean exhibitions you can participate in?