02-20-2010, 10:01 PM
These are just a few haphazardly shot photos I took of Marko talking at Podcamp from Saturday. I only took 3 because I hate to disturb people when they are giving a talk. Must say he does public speaking very well, articulate, clear and well spoken. If you ever have a chance to hear him give a talk take the opportunity. He did a great job talking about buying your first camera and answered questions from us in the audience. I should have either sat closer or brought a bigger lens but I didn't so this as good as it gets. I was there to hear him and only took photos because I had my camera in with me. If I was to put these in the critique section they would be lots to critique lmaooo. I had to crop out most of the photo or Marko would have looked like a speck. And no the eyes are not sharp but neither is the rest of the photos :headslap: