View Full Version : Need Help with Selection for Auction

02-09-2010, 09:53 PM
Hi all,
I have decided to submit a framed photo for a silent auction for the Fish Creek Friends society fundraiser upcoming at the end of the month. I'm not sure which photo to submit for framing so I was wondering if you could help me pick. I thought I would select one I took at Fish creek. :)
I need to get this done ASAP so any help would be most appreciated.
Here are my final 5 choices:






02-09-2010, 10:16 PM
As I scrolled down, I was going to say 2 then I got to 4, then finally 5. So I pick 5 :) I presume that is Fish Creek and therefore entirely fitting. You might also raise more that way too.

02-09-2010, 10:23 PM
Thanks AntZ...I am entirely stuck as to which one to choose so I appreciate the help! :)

02-09-2010, 10:28 PM
Well I to say 1 until I saw 4, go with 4 but not on a gloss paper, hard one to decide, paper I mean lol, not a big fan of gloss. Lucky I do not have to choose the paper ... P.S. What size are you planning to print? Just a out of curiosity question, if you have not decided let me know when you do ....

02-09-2010, 10:30 PM
I always pick matte/lustre paper...I;m not a fan of gloss either AL. Thanks for the input! :)

02-09-2010, 10:36 PM
I like to play with different papers, grab various sample packs that my Epson will give me ICC profiles for, nothing like experimentation ....

02-09-2010, 10:42 PM
I think that, given the nature of the fundraiser, 5 is the best choice of all. But all are great.

02-09-2010, 11:45 PM
I agree with Bambi. #5 is the one that appeals to me the most.

02-09-2010, 11:50 PM
5 is a good choice, it has a good appeal and can be hung almost anywhere.

02-10-2010, 01:01 AM
I keep reading what others think and every time I see when I scan by 1, just is so much more unique, I like 5 but after a few views it seems 1 is the stronger image after a few viewings. So I see your difficulty, but 1 on a matt paper I think would slightly darken it because of ink absorption but would give it texture, With a gun metal frame and a medium heavy frame, shoot I can see it now. And it does have unique cool quality to it and saying a photo works anywhere to me is not always a good thing. I would pick out a matting even and tell you the colour name for it. From the gun metal grey and the matting I have visioned the set up would draw your eyes right to the photo.

As per my usual, my :twocents: and my opinion are worth far less then the two cents. Gunmetal frame, the Matt Paper colour will give the whole piece a very cool and interesting depth to the whole finished product. 5 is safe and 1 is unique, interesting, and it would I think stand , and so you know bye the time it would be finished your photo would appear bright and textured with these complimentary colours.

Mad Aussie
02-10-2010, 07:04 AM
I saw 1 and stuck with that until I got to #4 ... then I got confused ... then decided definitely #1

I like 5 ... but it's just a nice photo of Fish Creek ... #1 is something entirely different to what most people would see.

02-10-2010, 08:22 AM
MA I totally agree if I was to buy the photo. The only reason I say 5 is I think more people would say "I could hang that in the ....." So many people are uncomfortable with pushing the boundaries. Then again the people who really appreciate art may be willing to spend more. Casil you have a tough choice I hope we haven't confused you more :shrug:

02-10-2010, 09:08 PM
:thankyou: all for the great advice. I took both #1 and #5 in for printing this afternoon. I will probably go with #1 as it is what my gut told me to pick from the get go but I needed an unbiased opinion also. I am going to try it with a metallic based paper from the printer at his suggestion and if i don't like it, he will switch it to a matte paper for me at no cost. Acadie Libre will help me with picking the framing and matte colours also. Nice thing is I will have #5 to use for something else!

Thanks again for all your great input..I will post a shot of the finished photo...frame and all! :)

Mad Aussie
02-10-2010, 09:15 PM

02-10-2010, 10:08 PM
If it's any help at this point, it's number 1 for me all the way.
That's cool casil:highfive:

02-10-2010, 10:09 PM
I too love shot 1 the best of all of these. I just figured that others might want the more 'traditional' shot. But I think whatever you choose the person would be lucky to have it!

02-10-2010, 10:14 PM
i,d choose no. 4, then no. 1, and no.3 in that order.

02-24-2010, 02:18 PM
So here is the finished piece in frame and matte. I ended up choosing the landscape shot in the end because the paper it was printed on (it has a bit of a silver underlay to it) just blew the other shot (the circles) out of the water which I also chose a matte and the same paper. I picked a matte with Acadie Libre's help (:thankyou:) and input via many PM's and went with a simple inexpensive pre-made black frame.
In the end this is what's going to the charity.
I will post the other ones as well just to see.
Again, thanks for everyone's advice and input...it was and is always appreciated! :)

PS...hard to take a decent shot of a photo in a frame....lol!

02-24-2010, 02:29 PM
Here's the other choice
1.With silver paper
2.On Matte paper

Mad Aussie
02-24-2010, 02:44 PM
Very cool!

02-24-2010, 08:18 PM
Look good, yes shooting a photo in glass is a pain but well done. Again I hope it does well in the auction, should be proud you did some very nice work.

02-25-2010, 08:15 AM
So I send an email on last week asking if they are still interested in the photo for their auction. They reply back saying yes they are so I go ahead and get all the framing done etc. So I send them back a reply saying I have the photo ready and if it's not too much trouble, in lieu of a tax receipt, can I please get a couple of Tix to the event so I can go and see what it ends up going for....didn't think that was too much to ask.
I get a reply back saying "We are really happy to have your donated photo. Unfortunately, I am not able to provide free tickets at this point (value $75.00) because we are not at our break-even point. I do have some volunteer work if you are interested in coming out to help, and perhaps you can have a nice glass of wine and appetizers while you are assisting us. What do you say?"
I reply back with:
"I think I will pass on the volunteering. I think donating a photo (which cost me ($100) to the cause is more than enough for me."
Let me know when you can come by and pick it up."

This is after telling me I can either drop the photo down at the park or she will come by and get it...where do I live.

So after telling me that she will be by Wednesday evening...which she never did sending me an email later (8:27pm) which stated she was too busy to come and probably won't be by to pick it up after all???!!!
She ends with this:
" I may have to forego picking up your donation altogether. I might be able to swing by on Friday morning but I’m not optimistic as there is still a lot of getting ready stuff to look after for the event. So, that being said I probably won’t make it. But thank you very much for offering to donate the Fish Creek photograph. Perhaps next year we’ll have a similar event and you can donate it then. "
A donation next year???? I highly doubt it. WTF?
No worries...plenty of other charities who would love a photo. :)

02-25-2010, 08:22 AM
I don't think she knows what a wonderful photo she is passing on :shrug:

02-25-2010, 08:27 AM
WTF indeed. I can understand perhaps that someone organising an event like that could quite easily run out of time, but I would hope that they could find someone to collect if for them.

It is quite possible that this person does not understand the expense of printing and framing a photo. I know the first time I went to frame an image I was surprised.

I hope you find something to do with your hard work. Maybe now you have it framed you could try to show it or sell it somewhere. I thought it looked great framed by the way.

02-25-2010, 09:10 AM
Thanks...lol...I'm not even remotely bothered by it...just strikes me as rather odd and unprofessional...no wonder they can't make the ticket quota. :shrug:
C'est la vie... :)

02-25-2010, 12:43 PM
That totally sucks Casil!! If I were you I would write to the committee and outline what has happened. It may be a matter of incompetence of the entire committee or just one. I have served on volunteer boards and had to work hard to off-set the damage done by one idiot. Either way they should know what happened.

02-25-2010, 02:37 PM
LOL....:laugh: it looks fantastic hung on MY wall above the fireplace! That's where it will stay until I decide what to do with it! :D

Mad Aussie
02-25-2010, 04:12 PM
If nothing else she motivated you to seek assistence (from A.L) and learn how to go about framing and now have a couple of your own framed to be proud of.

02-25-2010, 07:00 PM
Well you have beautiful photos for you home you can be proud of. I would not donate once they backed down on the original offering. I would keep one of each for your home and since you two of the one keep your eye open for a worthwhile charity who will appreciate your donation. I do have a feeling like most charities it is very cliquish and if you were one of the clique she would have gone out of her way to pick it up. I just think they gave all the tickets to their friends. I have never dealt with a charity who could afford to pass on a donation.

I would write both the Director Tom Jackson and cc Phil Greer the treasurer and explain that you went out of your way to try and help raise money for the foundation and you were told that your donation was wanted and you spent all that time and money to have it ready for the auction and the last minute your contribution to the silent auction was snubbed and that in the future you will not support their efforts in fund raising. If you let it slide you allow them to do it to others, it takes a few minutes to send off an email and to voice your disappointment with how you were dealt with. I would just let them know that these action are what will hurt their donation drives in the future and you were more than willing to help raise funds but it seems that your effort, time and money were wasted and you were only trying to help and all it led to was disappointment and that any future fund raising you will not partake as it seems they do not need donations and that to pass on donations such as yours it seems that you will see no need to tell friends and family to donate as they are so well off financially that they also need not donate. I would not let it go, but thats me but just with a single email than I would drop it.

PS: I would do it tonight so it is the first thing they see in their inbox in the morning.

PS: Find a Children's Charity, Hospice, Woman's SHelter or a home for the Aged to donate to, they can always use the help.

02-25-2010, 07:12 PM
Well you have beautiful photos for you home you can be proud of. I would not donate once they backed down on the original offering. I would keep one of each for your home and since you two of the one keep your eye open for a worthwhile charity who will appreciate your donation. I do have a feeling like most charities it is very cliquish and if you were one of the clique she would have gone out of her way to pick it up. I just think they gave all the tickets to their friends. I have never dealt with a charity who could afford to pass on a donation.

I would write both the Director Tom Jackson and cc Phil Greer the treasurer and explain that you went out of your way to try and help raise money for the foundation and you were told that your donation was wanted and you spent all that time and money to have it ready for the auction and the last minute your contribution to the silent auction was snubbed and that in the future you will not support their efforts in fund raising. If you let it slide you allow them to do it to others, it takes a few minutes to send off an email and to voice your disappointment with how you were dealt with. I would just let them know that these action are what will hurt their donation drives in the future and you were more than willing to help raise funds but it seems that your effort, time and money were wasted and you were only trying to help and all it led to was disappointment and that any future fund raising you will not partake as it seems they do not need donations and that to pass on donations such as yours it seems that you will see no need to tell friends and family to donate as they are so well off financially that they also need not donate. I would not let it go, but thats me but just with a single email than I would drop it.

I have been thinking of sending an email but I wanted to word it in a way that didn't come across as angry or upset....which I am not...even in the slightest...as I said, it's just bizarre. :shrug:
I just think the higher ups should know that this is not the way to promote an auction or fundraiser or anything involving raising money actually.
Thanks for the support and the encouragement everyone...I think I will write a letter this weekend. :)

02-25-2010, 07:32 PM
Good!!! I am glad. AL hit the nail right on the head with this one.

03-02-2010, 07:58 PM
Now those are perfect. Thank you so much for sharing. I can tell in a glance that you have a real talent. Keep up the great work.

Do you have any albums online that showcases your work.


Hi all,
I have decided to submit a framed photo for a silent auction for the Fish Creek Friends society fundraiser upcoming at the end of the month. I'm not sure which photo to submit for framing so I was wondering if you could help me pick. I thought I would select one I took at Fish creek. :)
I need to get this done ASAP so any help would be most appreciated.
Here are my final 5 choices:




Everyone needs a 16 channel dvr (http://edigitaldeals.com/).


03-02-2010, 08:27 PM
Thanks :)
So far just on flickr and the Pentax Photo Gallery...see at the bottom of my signature for the links. :)
Thanks again.