View Full Version : Start of another day
snapped this off and put it through PS and Fotosketcher this morning, before heading off to work.
01-28-2010, 01:08 PM
I like the shot! It's mixed media for me now as opposed to photography, but i still like it. very nice exposure and composition. Can we see the original or would you rather not draw back the curtain to reveal the Wizard? :D
Agree with Marko. Great setup.
Sorry - I erased the original, since I was just trying out a couple of things/ideas - I wasn't worried about saving the file.
The original was shot with no flash in the pre-set macro setting on my D5000, with the 70-300 lens. I then transferred the raw file into Photoshop as a 16bit TIFF(I own version 6. something). Played with the midtones in levels, tweaked the contrast. Changed to an 8bit, ran it through Xero's Illustrator plug-in, saved as a downsized JPEG and then ran it through the oil painting setting in Foto-sketcher (tweaked a couple of settings here). Hope that helps - next time I'll save the files that I upload for further discussion/critique as I value the input I am receiving.
01-28-2010, 09:27 PM
All this before work? What time do you get up?
Mad Aussie
01-29-2010, 01:44 AM
Someone's a construction worker! They tell us not to put stickers all over our hardhats here in Aussie.
Glazier and Metal Mechanic to be precise and they tell us the same with regards to our hard hats. This is my original hardhat from when I got into the trade (current one is just plain old boring white with one union sticker)
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