View Full Version : Viewing Photos

01-22-2010, 10:11 PM
I know I probably brought this up before but then again maybe not, but I think it is worth discussing.

Outside of editing my photos on my computer I have come to hate looking at photos online, the soul of the photo seems to be stolen from them. I have always printed and hung my own work but since doing a lot more gallery shows when I look at photos online they just don't have the same beauty, authenticity, etc.

These of course are just personal quirks and I did grow up using film where what you printed is what you saw. I think computers are great for many things but viewing art as in paintings, sculptures, photographs, etc. is not one of them.

I can recall being a huge collector of Art books, then I went to an art show at the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) and I saw this painting I always just loved (I will remember the name soon, it is driving me mad I cannot recall it but can see it lol). Anyway after seeing the real painting the beautiful picture in the book seemed to have lied, it was richer on colour the texture was just magnificent when seen by my own eyes at the real image.

So now when I see art in a book, on a computer even more so it takes so much away from the work. I print on different papers, do all my own printing and now have decided all prints will be one offs, no more series, I want each person who buys one of my photos to know that only besides me will they will be the only ones ever own an original copy by the artist. It makes it a single work of art. I am even changing my website for my fine art just to tell people where they can view my work, I will no longer host photos I plan to sell. I may use some of my photos just for aesthetics of the site, but nothing I plan to sell and it will be very minimal.

Why I so rarely post photos here, I just hate them on a computer, I put up ones I am just playing with but if I plan to sell or hang it, they are no longer posted online, it makes my photos seem soulless and flat with no life to it but seeing them framed, matted, hung is how photos were meant to be seen. Not on all these various types of uncalibrated monitors all over the planet. Art should be intimate and personal and not slapped all over and everywhere. I do think posting them when learning is a whole other matter.

Just a rant, and curious what others think ..... and if you can tell slightly bored lol ... all wound up and nowhere to go ...... although I was out most of the day.

01-22-2010, 10:24 PM
For myself, I've never been to a gallery before nor an art show. I've never had that pleasure or ability (small town).

I can see what you are saying. I really can. I think there is nothing better than something, right there in front of you. Like a car you always dream about from that movie..the car in person is soo much better.

My only way to show my work is through here. No one would see them otherwise.

01-22-2010, 10:32 PM
I get it, it is a wonderful medium for those where the opportunities are not always available, but I mean even before galleries, I would print them for my house, people who admired my photos and asked for a copy I would give them one. Its not about the money, its about it is your art, your home should be covered, tastefully to each ones taste, with your art. I used to give away photos and people thought I was nuts, but I just wanted my work hung, I donate work to various causes and charities. To me I just want people to see them how I think they should be seen, it is not about galleries it is about seeing them printed and hung, wherever you can do it. If you take a photo that jumps out at you for whatever reason, I want it seen not lost with the other thousands of files I have on my computer, I want to see my genius lmaooo

Imagine all the great photographs that are never seen in their proper form and eventually forgot about, for someone to print, mount, matt, frame means it is something special, it deserves to be appreciated and admired. Even if it is just by the artist, it is what I did and wow, I like it.

01-22-2010, 10:55 PM
Oh yes...my house if full. It's actually quite neat to have someone new into my home..they walk around looking. That is when I get the most comments, demands etc.

I've maybe sold 5-10 photos..but I've donated tons. My nephew and neice play hockey..all their tourneys I donate a photo to raise money for them. For my hockey as well.

At this moment..my photography is what it is..for photography. I don't do it for money. I do it to express what I can. As many say..bring the beauty out of something so ordinary. I love that. And you are right.. a computer doesn't bring that out.

01-22-2010, 11:04 PM
Great glad you show your photography as you do, your right, photography is just for the photography and why it brings so much joy and contentment. Such a solitary journey when you want it to be.

01-23-2010, 12:48 AM
I get what you are saying AL...nothing beats a piece of artwork viewed in person. I have seen many incredible paintings that just don't look the same online...kind of like making a movie out of a book I guess...it's never the same - or as good as the original. When I take photos in to have them professionally printed, (I have a very good printer who does my stuff he's a few dollars more, but well worth the cost) I am amazed how much better they look on paper than the computer. My friend who I took the photos in of his Father's truck was dumbstruck and close to tears when he saw them on paper and framed.

Right now I am waiting until I sell my current house and move (w/in the next year and a half) and then I am going to make my new home a gallery of my photos. I too have thought of taking some of my stuff out to see if I can sell some of it but I haven't the foggiest clue of where to begin or how to go about the process???? For me over the last several months, photography has been a deep healing journey, a process to which I have found and rediscovered a part of myself that I had really truly lost for a while. I don't know what I would have done without it really.
Anyhow not to get too deep but all in all it is fun but to take a photo and print it on nice paper, put it in a beautiful frame and present it to someone is the best feeling. :)

01-23-2010, 01:18 AM
Great glad you show your photography as you do, your right, photography is just for the photography and why it brings so much joy and contentment. Such a solitary journey when you want it to be.

Yes it can be. That to I agree with.