View Full Version : Favourite photographers

04-24-2008, 02:35 PM
Just curious to know which photographers people admire.

Can you name 2 or 3 photographers whose work you love?

I'll start it off... I really love the work of Man Ray, Andre Kertesz, Joel-Peter Witkin (http://www.edelmangallery.com/witkin.htm), Joyce Tenneson (http://www.tenneson.com/) and more that I'll add to this list at some point.

I'll also come back to this with more links.



04-24-2008, 09:40 PM
Diane Arbus, Walker Evans, Eric Kroll, Edward Burtynsky and those are the ones of the top of my head. I have a ton of photographers I admire their work. Ansel Adams I recall the first time I saw one of his photos and that was it, I was hooked on photographers and photography, I was very young, maybe 8 or 9 and had posters of his on my wall, just was wowed by them. Just nice now that I can participate in the great art form. As I recall them overtime I will post more.