View Full Version : Help!! I've been dognapped!!
Mad Aussie
12-21-2009, 05:44 AM
Pssssssssssst ... you! ... Yeh you!! The one with no tail.
Ya gotta help me! I got dumped, see?? My family took me for a ride. It was lies ... all lies I tells ya!! Lets go for a ride in the country Marly, they said! We'll take you to a place you'll love, they said!
And LOOK where they left me!!! At Mad Aussie's place!!!! :eek: And now I'm TRAPPED!! For three weeks!! 3 WEEKS!!!!!!! :headslap:
You gotta do something. Don't just sit there looking stupid, staring at the damn screen like some half witted Stafford Shire Terrier! GET ME THE HELL OUTTA HERE!!!
Although .... it's not all bad ...
12-21-2009, 09:10 AM
aww he's so cute!! Those eyes are beautiful.
I bet he has a ball there. I have no doubt he'll have you trained in no time!
Hahahaha! I love tghe tongue!!!
12-21-2009, 11:36 AM
Shot 1 is way cute! Looks like you might be keeping him :highfive:
Mad Aussie
12-21-2009, 03:46 PM
He wasn't cute last night :headslap: He's been spoiled this mutt! The family that owns him (both parents and 3 teenage girls) have made him a totally inside dog with all rights and privileges a hudog expects! :D He's well loved I can tell you!
So ... we when we locked him in the laundry room (adjacent to the kitchen) and a shared wall with our bedroom ensuite, the howling began! This wasn't Libby's bedroom! He might have had his toys, his own little bed, and yes Bambi ... his favourite ball ... but this was NOT Libby's bedroom!
He did respond to a good scolding though so he only woke us up about 3 times I think. Then at 4.30am my wife got up to go riding with a friend. I got back to sleep quickly ... and at 5.06am ... more howling. That's the end of the night for me ... I have to be at work at 8am and get my mornings fix so up I get and, dragged my 3/4's naked ass around following the noise. He's outside ... howling and knocking to be let in. My wife must have been gone about 2 minutes by my reckoning before he'd started up.
He craves attention big time ... so affectionate.
He's a cross between a Staffy and I think two other dogs which has resulted in a hairy sausage dog. He's about 20 cms tall to his back ...and about 4 meters long!!! His tongue is only out done by his tail ... just.
He's funny with his ball ... loves it to death ... chews on it, chases it ... brings it to you but will NOT give it up! He runs faster backwards (in a straight line) when you try to get that ball off him that he does forwards!!
In the photo above of Chantelle and Marly you can see my twin logs that I got the shot of the Rainbow Lorikeets on. Not sure how he'll react to them if they come around.
I'll endeavour to get plenty more shots of Marly over the 3 weeks we have him ... he's so damn fast, never stops moving ... for the moment though, for those who hadn't found it ... here's another thread of Marly from a few months back ...
12-21-2009, 04:09 PM
Aha! He's quickly getting your number :evil2:
fastest way to teach a dog to drop a ball? offer him a treat when he comes back with it. He'll drop it and you can get it. If you chase it leads to a fun game I like to call 'silly bugger' (guess who's the silly bugger? ;)).
If he's used to being in a bedroom then he's lonely and letting you know. :cry-an: Of course I shared my side of the bed with a wee aussie who wanted to snuggle..... The affection requesting may be high because he feels uncertain. Once he's more secure it should decline. Unless of course, he is spoiled. But who would spoil a dog? Not I! :rolleyes: yeah right.
oh and your wife got up at 4:30 to go riding?????? :eek:
Mad Aussie
12-21-2009, 05:26 PM
No ... my wife got up to go riding. I can't at the moment ... health issues. Getting through work is enough right now.
The ball IS his treat! He plays with very often. You constantly hear it dropping and bouncing on the tiles (he's doing it as I type or was until he saw a butterfly go past the door) ...chew chew ... bounce bounce bounce. All day.
Yeh we realize he's out of his environment and in a different social system. In 3 weeks we aren't likely to train him out of the habits he has and if those are what his family enjoys with them then we should not either. If we have to, he will get to sleep in the ensuite or in the room with Chantelle. We are trying to keep him off the carpeted areas in the house where possible though. His family requires him to do that at home also, except for bedtime I think.
Just went for a decent walk with him and it's time to get ready and head for work.
12-21-2009, 07:10 PM
MA that's what I said ---your wife got up to go riding. It wasn't the riding it was the time! Must be because of the heat?
You are right, 3 weeks is not enough to retrain him but you will definitely be well broken in by then :p (although you could definitely teach him to fetch...).
sorry to hear about your health issues!!! :cry-an:
12-21-2009, 11:08 PM
Great to hear you've still got work MA, didn't sound to good a while back:) Cute dog, I like shot 1...Curious to know your lighting setup on that shot?
12-22-2009, 01:05 AM
Our dog is the same way. The best way we have found to tire him out is go for a bicycle ride and let him run beside....usually once in the morning and once before bed. It works pretty good until he hears a squirrel ;)
Mad Aussie
12-22-2009, 03:38 AM
MA that's what I said ---your wife got up to go riding. It wasn't the riding it was the time! Must be because of the heat?
More like the drugs I'm starting each day with because of a back issue. 2x Panadeine Forte and 2x Voltaren ... then a repeat about lunchtime to get through at the moment. When it hurts a lot ... I think of Acadie Libre here and stop my whinging!
M ... lighting setup ... a flash :)
Crystal ... I walked him this morning for about 5 k's ... apparently he has slept most of the day :headslap: Uhoh! That herald a rough night ahead but I'm too tired and too sore to walk him again before bed!
12-22-2009, 09:32 AM
More like the drugs I'm starting each day with because of a back issue. 2x Panadeine Forte and 2x Voltaren ... then a repeat about lunchtime to get through at the moment. When it hurts a lot ... I think of Acadie Libre here and stop my whinging!
M ... lighting setup ... a flash :)
Crystal ... I walked him this morning for about 5 k's ... apparently he has slept most of the day :headslap: Uhoh! That herald a rough night ahead but I'm too tired and too sore to walk him again before bed!
ouch! sorry to hear about your back.
Crystal: 'squirrel' is a banned word in our house. If someone says 'oh look at the cute squirrel' or some such nonsense the dogs bolt up from a dead sleep and charge the door. :eek: The squirrels in our back yard have gotten a bit twitchy :)
12-22-2009, 10:10 AM
MA- Sorry to hear about you back as well :( We just invested in a used treadmill, our dog uses it now in the winter because he won't run behind the ski-doo...
Bambi- I hear ya.....birds, chipmunks, squirrels oh my!
Mad Aussie
12-22-2009, 04:10 PM
The back's ok (thanks for the concern girls) ... it does this to me once in awhile, has done for many years now. One more day of work to get through then I get to take a few off few Christmas. I'll keep the camera out and ready and see what I can get of this mutt and his antics.
12-22-2009, 04:24 PM
pfft - what's wrong with shot 2!!! That's me in that photo!! :mad:
12-22-2009, 04:30 PM
Nice looking dog MA....He almost looks like a rough collie. Chase went (goes? Not ever sure how to answer that one) after squirrels like crazy. Once he had one trapped against the wall of the house and it was the funniest thing watching this squirrel run horizontally along the vertical wall of the house...back and forth with the dog going absolutely crazy below...went on for about 5 minutes until the squirrel made a hail Mary for the fencepost about 6 feet away and made it.
Bet it hasn't been back since. :)
Mad Aussie
12-22-2009, 04:38 PM
Well, not much in the way furry critters for Marly to chase about here but he has a huge collection of his own stuffed ones. If he's not bouncing his ball he is usually trotting about with one of them hanging from his mouth!
12-22-2009, 07:51 PM
pfft - what's wrong with shot 2!!! That's me in that photo!! :mad:
LOL you look lovely chantelle but your father didn't focus on the eyes........
Get feeling better soon MA! It's never fun to have back problems!
Mad Aussie
12-23-2009, 06:13 AM
Thanks Kat. One more days work and then I get a few off to recover hopefully :)
12-23-2009, 08:52 PM
I thought I would just add a couple of photos of Marlee I took yesterday. :p
12-23-2009, 09:14 PM
those are great Chantelle. I love the second one!
it looks like he's quite settled in. :)
12-23-2009, 09:21 PM
it looks like he's quite settled in. :)
Yes he is now...only because he gets to sleep on ym bed with me now, lol!:wall-an: He's pretty good at night, as long as we make sure we tire him out in the evening, then he will go to sleep straight away...last night he didnt get an afternoon walk, so he was bouncing around my room for about an hour before settling down and going to sleep.
He likes to come cuddle up against me, at least he lets me push him around on the bed to move him...otherwise he would have taken over my bed and I would be on lounge or the floor! (Nah, not really, I'd put him back in the laundry...he would not like that!)
12-24-2009, 02:11 PM
Pets make the best subjects and continue to give you different expressions with their eyes. I have 2 cats and they are always my practice subjects wether they like it or not.
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