View Full Version : This is John

10-19-2009, 01:39 AM
I was photographing 'Nosferatu' from the street when he came up and asked what I was photographing. He asked me if I would take his photo too. I asked his name- John William Blackhat and he is from P.E.I. originally. He had many tattoos so I asked him to hold his hand up so they would show in the photo. He was concerned because he had a large wound on his hand. Someone had bitten him. He went on to tell me a few things about himself- he had been attacked by a dog and seriously hurt, he had been both a satanist and a preacher, he was looking for a little change so he could eat and maybe play some pool. He did impersonations of famous people such as John Wayne and Elvis. He had great blue eyes that still shone through despite a life hard lived. I told him I would put his picture on flickr for other photographers to see. He did not think his 'mug' would be interesting. I think he is wrong, it is a very interesting face.

I was looking through EJC's photostream on Flickr today and he had joined '100 Strangers'. I think I may just join it as well and John will be my stranger #1.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2608/4024486863_68c73bfcc4_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jas_photos/4024486863/)

Mad Aussie
10-19-2009, 03:53 AM
Such great clarity! And I agree ... great character in those facial elements. Sad that people get themselves (or get forced into) this sort of life.

I reckon a selective colour shot to show off those eyes would be cool!

Sort of a critique I realize but I reckon to show off the tattoo you should have had him put his hand on his heart to a) get in better focus and b) add tothe strength of the image.

10-19-2009, 08:15 AM
a very powerful picture.

well done!

10-19-2009, 08:19 AM
Wow Raiven..great story and I love this image!

10-19-2009, 08:53 AM
nice photo raiven! i can feel your emotion in your writing as well! :highfive:

10-19-2009, 09:03 AM
Very good image and a good intro.

10-19-2009, 09:13 AM
This is a powerful portrait - well done.excellent sharpness on the eyes!

MA - selectively colour the eyes? here? you serious? I would not think that would be appropriate to this shot.

10-19-2009, 10:36 AM
Very powerful indeed!

10-19-2009, 11:13 AM
Thanks all! Good idea for the hand, M.A. I thought about the selective coloring as well but considered that it might be a bit exploitive, so decided against it.

Mad Aussie
10-19-2009, 03:43 PM
Well I thought if his eyes were that beautifully blue as Raiven described it might look good. Especially with such clarity Raiven has captured.
So yes ... dead serious. But I also make it known I'm no expert in B&W.
But not worried if I see or not.

10-19-2009, 04:10 PM
I joined 100 strangers today too Raiven...what a great idea it is! And it is fun too to meet people also!

10-20-2009, 08:12 PM
When I first looked at the image I thought Michael Moore had lost some weight :D Great image Raiven, Totally works in black and white!