View Full Version : not sure I like it but

10-15-2009, 07:56 PM
I also keep coming back to it. I think there just might be some potential in this. this is on a friend's property. Her husband built this 3 sided shed to sit and look at the view. this was taken from behind through the window. the window was an old one hence the distortion, which is perhaps the best part of the photo.

anyway, what say you? is there anything salvagable in this shot?


10-15-2009, 07:58 PM
I like it! Love the colors!

Mad Aussie
10-15-2009, 08:04 PM
Definitely potential filled and good as is.

Love the rustic feel of this cabin. Could be a great subject for many photos through the year.

If you intend to re-shoot this to get it better I'd be looking at your composition angle a bit more closely. You've centred this completely but perhaps making some feature out of the timber character by shifting the window to one side might help add even more interest. You may need some extra light to lift the timber grain a little perhaps as well and allow you to drop the expose for the outside view a tad.

10-15-2009, 08:07 PM
Great feedback MA!

10-15-2009, 08:07 PM
thanks guys. I can definitely go back. might try it this weekend with the fall colours. I agree that it is too centred. hmm I'll check the 'archives'.

10-15-2009, 09:14 PM
Good shot Bambi! I like the colors and the "Framing" done by the window. I agree the picture could be a little improved by putting the window a little more off center.

10-15-2009, 09:23 PM
If you can reshoot, how about trying a composite with both the view and the wood in focus; I'm not sure if it will work or not, but it might... I think too that this is one of those rare images that has real potential for selective colouration. Mono wood and the colour of the view.

MA's right on with his comments about the image being a tad too centered, BUT how about moving the camera up and looking down, so that your angle of view through the window is the same as that down to the water.

10-16-2009, 05:17 PM
I like it. This particular composition with the frame within a frame IMO gets you a free pass to break the rule of 3rds (ie. it's centered-ness is okay with me). What would be cool on another attempt is to try a few shots with another element seen through the window- not sure what though, maybe a dog running in the grass or a mysterious woman twirling about with a long veil or scarf blowing in the wind...or maybe a simple wooden cross stuck in the grass like an old fashioned grave marker or memorial of sorts? Although anything like that would be distorted by the rough glass I guess...oh well just a thought.

10-18-2009, 02:34 PM
I am only familiar with some of your most recent submissions, this shot, WOW, what a difference in point of view, forget the technical off-centre suggestions, which, by the way, it is not centered, the in-fosus wood texture is in complete harmony with the out of fosus landscape, of course, this is from a fellow blue-noser, for what it is worth, don't look back!!!

10-18-2009, 02:54 PM
IMO the wood frames the shot so it doesn't bother me that it is centered. What I would like too see is a series of shots taken though this window, one representing each season. You already have summer, now autumn....winter(I'll bet the snowy scene would be awesome!), and spring!
Then if it were me, I'd put them all together as a collage and that would be my photo! :highfive:

10-18-2009, 03:08 PM
You should like it! It's really nice! Very different from background to foreground in terms of feel and texture. Although, personally, I would've increased my depth of field and made the background in focus. It seems like the window is your personal frame for what's in the middle, so it seems that it would be important to have that in focus. But it's all subjective! If you're happy with it, that's all that counts!

10-18-2009, 03:32 PM
thanks everyone for the comments. glad that the overall thoughts are that there is potential.

Casil, I like your idea.:lightbulb will have to get out there and try to get one of each season.

Web glad that you like it.

Jake I don't think I can get the scene in focus given the nature of the glass. It wasn't deliberate to make it fuzzy. It is a neat idea to have that clear and the wood fuzzy but it might involve removing the window, which the owner might not approve of ;) but if you stand look out I'll give it a try.....

I think that this is one of those places that I will keep returning to and trying all sorts of angles.

10-18-2009, 04:40 PM
Yes, Casil403's suggestion, of the 4 season's is brilliant, give it a shot, sorry 4 shots.