View Full Version : Another bird

08-27-2009, 03:16 AM
Another bird again and I have yet some more to bore you with guys.;)

The debris under the bird is distructing for me. I tried to clone, desaturate and turn it to black and white but it didn't work for me. Could you please give me any idea how to improve it?(make the debris less distructing)

08-27-2009, 09:49 AM
beautiful! imo - it is what it is and it is ok! :) it is part of the bird's story. btw - what type of bird is it?

08-27-2009, 10:48 AM
Thanks tomorrowstreasures! I hope you mean it:) !

The name is Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis). Quite common one around here. It is more beautiful from its front side and when open winged.

08-27-2009, 10:52 AM
Can I ask why the nest is so blurry? Maybe a vignette aproach?

08-27-2009, 11:15 AM
This image may be suffering from compression.
Was the original filesize less (before you uploaded it) less than 250 k?

Thx - Marko

08-27-2009, 11:22 AM
Thanks tomorrowstreasures! I hope you mean it:) !

The name is Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis). Quite common one around here. It is more beautiful from its front side and when open winged.

you betcha! :D thanks for the info!

08-28-2009, 02:08 AM
thanks all for your comments

Can I ask why the nest is so blurry? Maybe a vignette aproach?

Not at all. I wish it was;).

This image may be suffering from compression.
Was the original filesize less (before you uploaded it) less than 250 k?

the file size before I uploaded was 267K after converting it to jpg. I don't think it is a compression issue ether. I have been cracking my head over it. I shoot all the images these days in raw and such effects which seem to be related to compression have been seen on the original raw file itself. The unwanted effects are there to the same extent on the raw as well as the uploaded pictures.

On this and some of the my pictures from my recent trip, I have used the polarising filter which I recently bought. Could that be to blame? If you see a bit closer on the debris that the bird is standing on there is a kind of diagonal patterns especially on the right side which I find it hard to say it's due to compression. Also there on the raw file.

Do I make any sense at all?:yell: