View Full Version : For UK photographers especially...

Ben H
07-16-2009, 07:53 AM
Hi guys,

I've just been passed this, and wanted to mention it here:-

A new campaign to raise public awareness of the increasing mistrust and paranoia about taking pictures in public places.



Join in - I'm certainly going to. You can even also add your "not-a-crime" pics here as well...

Please pass the link on to other photography forums if you can.

07-18-2009, 08:25 PM
If there's one thing in life I'm thankful for it's that my father had the vision in the 60's to remove us from the UK. I would never want to live there. From where I'm standing it seems to me you people are the most videotaped, data based nation on the planet and it takes a lot of kahonies to say you as a nation can't take pictures of the swine that monitor you. If the powers that be continue on this course, all I see is a future of terrorists that would never have been but ended up having no choice if they would remain free! Damn this boils my blood!!!!!!!!!!:mad: