View Full Version : Call me nuts but...

06-20-2009, 02:40 PM
As a citizen of this planet (and that is how I view myself) I have come to the conclusion that all is not as is presented in our world, that is there are forces unknown pulling the stings of our political leaders and world events are planned and staged by groups behind the scenes. You can take that with a grain of salt as I have never been one to accept anything at its face value. That being said, My personal investigation into the above leads me to ask certain questions of certain people from all sectors of the planet. Keep in mind this is a personal project and I’m not pushing any agenda. For the last year or so, when I meet Americans I always steer the conversation so that I can ask two questions. The first is “Is the federal reserve a government entity or a privately owned institution?” eighty percent of those questioned believe it is part of the US government. The second question “ When the two world trade towers fell, are you aware that a third tower, building seven collapsed in its own footprint at freefall speed roughly five hours after buildings one and two fell?” Almost ninety percent have no idea of this fact. My conclusion is that this information is not being shared by the main stream media, or people are not paying attention. I post this to see what your reaction is? As I said no agenda from my part, just an ongoing investigation on my part, trying to place the pieces in a very large and complex puzzle because…I think something, somewhere is terribly wrong with this globe on which we live…

06-20-2009, 02:57 PM
For those who have not seen it watch this: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-594683847743189197

It is movie length but it explains where Michael is coming from. It's worth a watch even if you are not into 'conspiracy theories'.

06-20-2009, 03:15 PM
Well OK...It's connected to where I'm coming from but I have to consider that film as the opinion of a certain group or an individual and as such it is most definitely evidence I pay attention to but I don't regard it as gospel...Yet! :)
It is a compelling work for sure and does represent the type of personal search I've been on for quite some time but again, I don't take anything at face value so it needs to be scrutinized. Having said that, yes that's where I'm coming from :)

PS...I said earlier that I don't have an agenda and that.s not entirely true. My agenda is this...My desire is that people look around and question the world in which they live, give this type of material as much of their focus as they do Reality TV or American Idol or NFL games or what have you. If people like me and a growing number of others are wrong then we were idiots right out of the gate and you've lost nothing, you can giggle about us over another beer on Friday night at the local pub...But if were right!...You need to know...NOW! I'm not selling anything here, just simply asking people to use their own minds and critical thought processes and not just complacently accept what is fed them by people who may not have your best interests at heart. What do we tell our children..."Well I was just on the bus with the others and never thought to ask the destination...We thought the driver knew!" The nut of it is...The driver does know...Do you?

06-23-2009, 09:58 AM
Very interesting Michael, these are things I've wondered about myself. And I think you're right in your cautious approach on the subject as the population at large is likely to look at anyone who speaks of this as being either a nutty conspiracy theorist, or politically incorrect in some cases.

06-23-2009, 10:17 AM
Thanks...My best friend and I when we were teens made up a little song which has stuck with me over the years, maybe not a song but a chorus..."We're doing what we're sposed to do, sposed to do, sposed to do...We're doing what we're sposed to do, moo, moo, moo," In short it means...The general population will follow blindly like a cow to slauter, so I'm not too concerned how they view people like me. But caution is the word as the herd can tag you pretty quick :)

06-23-2009, 11:24 AM
I too am a very curious person and ask loads of questions and take everything I hear and see from the media with a grain of salt. Traditional media is slowly changing in our favour. By the time it gets on T.V., it's old news. Twitter, facebook and other social media give you the 'news' almost in real time and normally without corporate biases. (Course ALL news from any source is somewhat biased based on the teller but it's way worse in traditional media where 'other' agendas massage what we see/hear/think).

BTW - If you haven't seen it yet, I'd bet hard on the fact that you will love the film The International with Clive Owen.

06-23-2009, 03:56 PM
if the population at large can use the power we yield to think out of the box, act by common sense, consume wisely, save the middle class from extinction and delusion, and allow a "quiet revolution" of sorts to gain momentum, I can see things slowly changing for the better. Yes, I'm talking about little things like where we buy our goods, how we conduct our lives environmentally speaking, even what we watch on TV. Am I even close to being a passenger on your train of thought here? Or am I way out in irrelevant land still trying to find the ticket booth?

Edit- okay I watched the zeitgeist movie now, I guess I eventually found my way to the ticket booth, after getting lost a couple times along the way while looking for the restroom......

06-23-2009, 11:24 PM
I can't take this thread any further without generating a firestorm and that is not my intention. I just hope people keep questioning what they read and hear in the media ESPECIALLY the US media! I consider myself Very fortunate to live in a country like Canada I wouldn't live anywhere else at this time in the worlds history. Finally I'll go out on a limb and say this. Watch carefully our neighbor to the south, I predict along with others, that the US economy will totally collapse before the end of this year and I'll bet my life if not then, before the end of 2010. If I'm wrong, you know where I live, you can all come by my place and poke me with a stick :) The people in the USA have to reclaim their government and country before it's too late...Nuff said!

06-24-2009, 04:33 PM
Ok, I just watched Zeitgeist again after watching the original version in 07...Wow! I had forgotten how powerful that piece is. I love the opening dialogue...Brilliant! I was raised a christian and remained stedfast in my belief until age 24. I wanted to be a writer in those days. One night while alone for ten days in the middle of nowhere I began to write. I let my hand write whatever came to my mind. Mostly it was nonsensical gibberish but suddenly I was desperately trying to keep up with the information coming from my brain, it flowed for maybe half an hour. When it stopped, I read what I had written, walked out of the cabin into the snowy night, looked up at the sky and yelled...IT'S OVER! I have not followed any religious belief since that moment.

As far as 911 goes, I've been studying the evidence for five or six years and am 100% convinced it was an inside job. I don't expect anyone else to concur, you have to spend countless hours pouring over the evidence from both official and non official sources and make your own call. For me there is no turning back on that call, it was engineered and enacted by the government of the United States of America to gain critical public support for the war/s in the Middle East...Bar none!

Central banks? well again one only need do the research, no myth here they are large and in charge but this has been known for sixty some odd years.

So like I said, call me a whack job all you want but before you make that call, please do the math yourself and don't just regurgitate what you have been told.

Either way, the piper will some day have to be paid :)

PS...It occurs to me that where I'm at today is right smack in the middle of the dialogue beginning at 9:00 into the film...The truth will set you free, but you have to look!

Enough already from me, I'll leave it at that, I promise :)

06-24-2009, 09:52 PM
While I do not disagree with most of the thoughts here I have to interject one comment.

Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence.

Now, I'm not saying that this explains it all away as movies like Zeitgeist, Sicko, Fahrenheit 911, and others certainly make you wonder just what is real and what is not.

06-24-2009, 10:45 PM
Ok, I just watched Zeitgeist again after watching the original version in 07...Wow! I had forgotten how powerful that piece is. I love the opening dialogue...Brilliant! I was raised a christian and remained stedfast in my belief until age 24. I wanted to be a writer in those days. One night while alone for ten days in the middle of nowhere I began to write. I let my hand write whatever came to my mind. Mostly it was nonsensical gibberish but suddenly I was desperately trying to keep up with the information coming from my brain, it flowed for maybe half an hour. When it stopped, I read what I had written, walked out of the cabin into the snowy night, looked up at the sky and yelled...IT'S OVER! I have not followed any religious belief since that moment.

As far as 911 goes, I've been studying the evidence for five or six years and am 100% convinced it was an inside job. I don't expect anyone else to concur, you have to spend countless hours pouring over the evidence from both official and non official sources and make your own call. For me there is no turning back on that call, it was engineered and enacted by the government of the United States of America to gain critical public support for the war/s in the Middle East...Bar none!

Central banks? well again one only need do the research, no myth here they are large and in charge but this has been known for sixty some odd years.

So like I said, call me a whack job all you want but before you make that call, please do the math yourself and don't just regurgitate what you have been told.

Either way, the piper will some day have to be paid :)

PS...It occurs to me that where I'm at today is right smack in the middle of the dialogue beginning at 9:00 into the film...The truth will set you free, but you have to look!

Enough already from me, I'll leave it at that, I promise :)

Agree with you, Michael, and I don't know what future brings.
People believe, but actually don't believe, or not taking action, or I don't know. "They" know our reactions, they know how to manipulate us, and still we can make a change.

Have you saw 911 In plane Site ?

If not, than I insist to watch this one.
You'll be 1000% sure that was an inside job and not only you, every one who will see it.
It's a stunning documentary with originals image, that they never show it again on TV. They have the first images, and journalists comments, people comments and ... you have to see this one.
I used to reed and study about "freemasons", but I get to a point that made me so sick of this situation that I forgot to enjoy life.
But I have a feeling that they will failed, BIG TIME :)
You'll see.


06-25-2009, 12:13 AM
The zeitgeist movie for me was sort of a confirmation of many things that have been on my mind for a long time. It was reassuring as it showed I wasn't the only one that felt this way, and it put it all together in a much better way than my fragmented and random thoughts. But as much as a movie like that seems to be accused of fear mongering, I was actually left, at least for the moment, with a bit of a glow. I got this feeling that we are in a phase of major cultural evolution that began with the hippies (when you think about it, they had it all figured out- down with the establishment, make love not war, tune in turn on and drop out, in harmony with mother nature and the cosmos, PEACE!) and will likely become complete as we enter the age of Aquarius in 2150. We probably can't make it happen in our lifetime or probably our kids' neither. But the change is already well under way and this might be what Loving is referring to, but I feel humanity will succeed. All I know is that between the torture of the environment and the erosion of the middle class, it can't go on this way indefinitely.

06-25-2009, 01:06 AM
I let home when I was sixteen, headed for Europe with big dreams and a suitcase, that was in 1970 and though I never experienced the full thrust of the Hippie mantra in the sixties I was lucky enough to catch the tail end of the wave as a young adult in the early seventies. I have warm and fuzzy memories of that period in my life. We treated each other differently in those times, some sort of universal love, respect and trust prevailed that made the whole experience of being alive somehow tolerable despite the madness that was really going down. We worked when we had to and migrated like geese but never to the same place. My hope is that something similar will come down the pike in the not to distant future but my fear is that of a much more bloody revolution in the offing. We desperately need change if we are to evolve into something that can participate positively in any future this universe may have in store for us. We are not a species that is easily pacified today, we want it now, cheap, flashing lights and colors with instant everything. We’ll camp out for days for a gimmick laden phone or the latest OS and we’ll do it again for the upgrade. Somehow we’ve lost the essence of what it means to live in harmony with our planet, we’ve separated ourselves into some exclusive club of buyers and sellers with total disregard to the ultimate price. Where the hell is Gandhi when you really need him? You’re right F8, it can’t go on indefinitely. Maybe the next wave is AI, maybe that’s our purpose here, to give birth to a non biological life form that will eventually replace us everywhere universally who knows?

06-25-2009, 02:53 AM
Thanks for the video recommendation Lovin. It's one I hadn't seen before but have seen all the material in it plus roughly the same amount again in other footage and news. Everyday, more and more evidence comes to light and people involved are now starting to speak out. I guess I was already 1000% convinced before I watched your recommended clip :) but thanks so much for the info.

06-25-2009, 08:10 AM
What surprise me, and in the same time intrigue me, is that a considerable % of americans still think that Bush is so honest and good leader, and they don't believe that 9/11 was an internal job.

06-25-2009, 10:44 AM
Most Americans are in deep, mortgaged to the teeth and enslaved to their plastic, they can't afford to entertain the idea of 911 being an inside job. Their prime concerns are keeping their families fed, the bills paid all the while remaining invisible to Swine flu. Bush wasn't smart enough to run the elephant ride at a county fair. If one needs evidence that the art of puppetry is alive and well one needs to look no further than his presidential term! IMHO you can't even classify him as the front man for the gang of hoodlums that were sending America to its grave, he was no more than the monkey of the organ grinder! America seems to thrive of late on the used car salesman at the helm approach. below is a link to what Senator Ron Paul has to say about the new administration, but wait...Who the hell was Ron Paul?

LINK (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJbph2V0kvM)

And for those who love numbers, check out the American debt clock, if that doesn't scare you nothing will :)

CLOCK (http://www.usdebtclock.org/)

06-27-2009, 12:35 AM
Well…I know I promised to stop but this is just too important. I was teching a show the other day for a very large health organization. During the lunch break the guy who owns the company I freelance for came into the ballroom to check how thing were going. I’d had no major issues, the projectors were running fine, the amps were solid, the only grief I’d had was with a crashed client Mac computer and a couple of intermittent wireless microphones but when you have fifteen of them out on the floor for Q&A you’re bound to have a couple of issues. After we’d rambled on for a bit about that we started talking about George Bush, exactly how that topic came up I can’t remember. A bit into that discussion I told him I was one of those wacko’s who believed 911 was an inside job and to my amazement he yelled “Me too!” Go figure! So we’re hashing that out amid a room full of doctors, surgeons and other health professionals eating stale sandwiches at their tables when one of these attendees slides up to the table and says…”Great job so far guys, listen I overheard you talking about 911, Bush and the bailouts and I’m in agreement with you but there’s far worse afoot. By the end of this short conversation, I was glad I’m 54 and have a good portion of my life lived out, I could die tomorrow with only a few regrets. This gentleman gave us a name and a scenario with a little “Seriously , Google it” attached, which when I got home I proceeded to do just that…

I Googled Jane Burgermeister. I’m still chasing results.

She is laying some very serious charges against some very big fish

LINK (http://www.naturalnews.com/026503_pandemic_swine_flu_bioterrorism.html)

That in turn led me to this

LINK (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHtPzHAUn-E&feature=related)

Which led me to an article declaring that word had gone out to many US embassies to buy up as much local currency as they possibly could, enough to last them a year or more and in some cases they are being wired one hundred million dollars from the US mother ship to acquire this cash. Apparently though they are not to buy any British Sterling. On this matter I’ve only found third party stuff and no direct link. If I find one I’ll post it. It appears to have gone down around May 27th of this year. Here’s a link to an online gold and silver forecasting service that makes a reference to it.

LINK (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyUuYex1FaM)

I’m not the best with math but it looks like whatever’s going down will rear it’s ugly head around September or so.

Anyway, check it out and see what you think. I know you’ll think I’m nuts but I’m starting to see too many patterns here from too many sound sources including the doctor who got me going on this episode.

06-28-2009, 11:12 PM
The rabbit hole goes deep!

LINK (http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/bio-chemists_murdered_149.html)

07-14-2009, 01:21 AM
I find this interesting because it went down before Obama got in and I'm seeing some fortune telling here. I haven't checked his BG but will, In the meantime I'm totally invested in this guys viewpoint.

part 1
Part 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-KJCMWcoms)