View Full Version : Street portraits

01-26-2006, 10:59 AM
Iīm starting in photography. My main interest is portrait but, at the moment, I havenīt made photos out of family circle.
I have seen a lot of photography, because I have interest in it 15 years ago.
But I would like to develop my personal style.
I would like to make street people portraits. The singularity of routine life atracts me.
But I have problems for getting models. About this matter I have some questions:
For making studio portraits, ŋhow can I get models?. I imagine itīs neccesary to pay them, ŋhow much is one hour?.
I am interested in street social portraits, but I donīt like to use my camera like a submachine gun, I prefer to dialogue with people who I want to photograph. Yesterday, I went out three hours in my city and I didnīt get any people who wanted to be photographed by me.
How do you get people trust?.
Thank you very much.
Best regards.

01-26-2006, 12:06 PM
Anybody can help me?.
Thank you very much.

01-28-2006, 01:42 AM
I think you are asking questions that take pages and pages to answer. Especially this one "How do you get people trust?."

With regard to models though, usually you can trade them being the model and you giving them prints (Maybe two or three 8 x 10 inch photos of the shoot.) Some people might just want some personal pictures instead. So just take a few pix for them and they model for you.

Hope that helps
