View Full Version : Nightshot questions?

09-21-2007, 05:15 PM
I'm a newbie in photography and I have try some nightshots last night.
The idea was to take outsides shots of the Commune chambers with the moon in backgroud. I have try with many setup : More,less exposition with or without flash and other auto-setup my Canon Powershot S3 give me.

But I was not able to acquire a good definition of the shinning moon, on every takes it appears like a white ball. In reality the moon was yellowish with the usual spots on it.

Is there some other setup I can make :confused:

Thanks a lot


09-22-2007, 09:29 AM
This might be a really basic question...but I have to ask it before I can give further advice.

When you are taking the shot are you using autofocus, and if so have you tried to manually focus the camera on the moon itself?

and can we see a picture?



09-23-2007, 06:38 PM
Good Day Marco

Thanks answering.

Yes I was using the autofocus. I had put focus on the building cos when I focused on the moon, it was not possible to see the building.I did not try manual focus for those pictures....I think I will try it tonight.

But even with a good focus on the moon, it's still look like a well define white ball.

I'll see if I can post the image here to give you an idea.



09-24-2007, 01:01 PM
Your exposure is not set properly. Despite it being dark at night to get the moon correct you need to shoot at a fairly fast shutterspeed or high fstop because the moon is bright. I have used a 1/125 of a second at f.2.8


09-24-2007, 01:01 PM

09-26-2007, 12:37 PM
I finally made it.

It can be done in manual mode. After a couple of try I finally had what I wanted
last night with a 1/1000 speed.

Now I guess that I'll have to practice more with that manual mode and read more about photography technique. I've usually try to make my setting with those auto-mode the camera have and it seems it is not alway the thing to do.

Thanks a lot for your help


PS: You can actually see some of my newbie shots at : www.myspace.com/erickl36

09-28-2007, 12:51 PM
I finally made it.


PS: You can actually see some of my newbie shots at : www.myspace.com/erickl36

I took a look at some of your shots and should point out that "copyright paranoia" displayed on shots on the web automatically labels the photographer as a newbie and not to be taken very seriously.

Season veterans realize that a copyright notice can easily be taken off a photo, so they satisfy themselves with a general notice on the page that all photos are subject to copyright etc.

Since everyone believes that they can take great digital photos themselves, there is certainly no reason to steal them. So don't worry so much about copyright. It is not necessary.


10-02-2007, 08:43 PM
Good Day Tegan

Yes I know that. It was not intend to show my pics or myself as a professional. I'm not.
I just play and practice with my camera for fun. For me it's just like a kind of hunting.
Maybe one day I'll have several thousands of bucks to put on professional equipment (and the experience to work with it).

The idea was just to give a little more work to peoples who make fake myspace profiles (or webpages) with other's photos.

Have a nice week


10-04-2007, 09:08 AM
Good Day Tegan

The idea was just to give a little more work to peoples who make fake myspace profiles (or webpages) with other's photos.

Have a nice week


Well, unless your work is top quality and they are making money from copying it, how much does it really matter? One photographer uses another approach.If he finds this is happening, he emails them a standard form letter explaining that the photo on their site belongs to him and is subject to copyright...along with an invoice for X... dollars.

Still another approach to preventing this is to use odd photo sizes, low resolution, and other "sneaky" technical tricks to make them still look decent but be of very "limited" use in their current form.

Hope this gets you thinking about other methods. :)
