View Full Version : China 2009 (sub: Chinese stamps)

05-23-2009, 07:04 PM
Hello Folks,

Next to photograpy I am also just experementing with Photoshop so I have played arround with it to make a postcard like picture that I first made setting up a small shoot at home.
The shot was done in natural light I first put a white bed sheet on the table and rased it at the back.
Than I used the chinese newspaper the stamps where wrapped in as a base. Used one of the stamps to actually stamp it. After that shot some photo's positioning them just a bit different every time.

As for the result of the Photoshopping I was looking for the middle between black and white and a full clour. But as the subject is china 2009 the reds should be out as that is China's colour including the chinese zodiaks (for the 4 members of our family). I vignetted a bit and bordered with a partial red line. The China 2009 is the name I tought appropriate for this.

Well the before shot, is the top one.
And the shot after playing arround with photoshop is the bottom one (you never guessed that ....lol)
Your comments are much appresciated.

Jantheo (TJD)

05-23-2009, 09:51 PM
It's a great image TJD. Nice photoshop work as well. I'm a great fan of photoshop and have played with it a lot.

05-24-2009, 01:40 AM
Playing with PS is always fun :-). So far you did a good job. But I would choose a less bold frame here.

05-24-2009, 03:43 AM
OK MoinMoin and Duane,
Thanks for the feedback.

I am looking at Photwalkthrough.com and at worldwidephotowalk.com (this last one has a link with Kelbytraining.com) and both have tutorials on PS. Fun to watch an try for yourself.

Here I have changed the border so does that gives a better feeling?

Kind regards,
Jantheo (TJD)

If you feel like a WorldWide Photowalk 18july go to www.WorldWidePhotowalk.com

05-24-2009, 04:44 AM
Well first as for the border, the thicker one is much bolder and would play in that area. Not as for the photograph itself, it looks washed out on the upper right hand, the figures at the top are out of focus as is the can lid. The first stamp to the right also standing is far to washed out also, detracts from the photo. Not trying to be a pain but the photo just doesn't work. The designs on the side of the stamps are gorgeous and the fact that one is washed out just makes the photo not work along with my other previous comments. And why the washed out red on the lid, looks out of place. As always just my :twocents:

05-24-2009, 04:58 AM
Hello AcadieLibre,

Thanks for the feedback here.
The out of focus of the can-lid and the abckground was intentional so the stamps get best viewed as they should be the focus point.
You are correct that the second stamp on the right is washed out as shown unfortunately is the stamp itself of a lighter of colour and that shows too well here.

Jantheo (TJD)

05-24-2009, 05:14 AM
I just tried to get the clour up a bit but that is difficult because there is not much to start with.