View Full Version : The Club

05-15-2009, 10:53 PM
These were all taken at the club were I am employed. Hopefully not too much longer as the one of the state correctional facilities called and asked if I still was interested in being a correctional officer. Hoorah!


05-15-2009, 10:54 PM
PS, these images still seem a bit soft and desaturated after they have been uploaded......

05-16-2009, 01:57 AM
You are right they appear soft, when I saw club I was sort of hopping vor a nudey club lol..... just kidding.... well then again maybe not ....

05-16-2009, 02:07 AM
Ohhh..naughty! :P

05-16-2009, 07:38 AM
I like shot 1 with all that nice green and just about to whack the golf ball.

The softness I want to check out.
Were these less than 200K before uploading?
I thought the problem was exclusively a compression one - but if it's not I'm going to get help on this matter and figure it out one way or another.



05-16-2009, 07:29 PM
Marko, I will get back to you with more specific details, but most of them were over 400k? Ooops, so there is a bit of compression going on.

Mad Aussie
05-16-2009, 07:36 PM
PS, these images still seem a bit soft and desaturated after they have been uploaded......
Soft was going to be my first comment ... desaturation didn't though. The colours look strong enough to me.

I like shots 2 and 3. Action often gets my vote and I like the sand being struck by the club. I can see these were sharp images too whereas the others appear to be softer.
I like what you were going for in the final shot as well. That low down, out of focus foreground and crisp golfer.