View Full Version : A Scene - Not a Subject

05-12-2009, 08:55 PM
Hey, everyone. One of our neighbourhoods was hit with a fire recently ( http://thechronicleherald.ca/Front/1119647.html ) and I went out this past weekend to get a few shots. The streets with the affected homes were still blocked to local traffic only so the best I could do was a few shots of the woods near the main road.

I didn't have a specific subject per se -- the subject was the scene or fire that had long since gone -- but wanted to capture the bleakness of what I saw. Comments? Critiques? Does this work? If not, why not?


05-13-2009, 07:30 AM
Just because you don't have an obvious subject doesn't mean you can't compose your photo with a little more thought, I'm sure you could have framed this in a more interesting way.
You could, for example, had included something in the foreground, like a burned and twisted object. As it is, it just looks like a random snaphopt.

Also, the sky is completely overexposed.

05-13-2009, 12:09 PM
HHHmm does not work for me. It is bleak but it really does not say anything. I would try to go in tighter and get some type of foreground

05-13-2009, 12:19 PM
Personnally I have a hard time seeing that it's burnt woods. I think maybe a shot with a tree with fire damage in view would be perfect.

Was there much damage?

05-13-2009, 12:22 PM
I agree with the critiques thus far. Just wanted to add that it's not immediately obvious that this is a "fire" scene. At first glance it just looks like a lot of mud.
Hope that helps

05-14-2009, 11:23 PM
Points taken. I think I kinda knew that before I posted but I appreciated the comments.

Here's the view from my office during the fire. 8 Homes destroyed, 10 damaged. No one was hurt as far as I know.


Here's a couple of larger shots of the area where I was able to take a few shots. You still can't really tell that it was a fire unless you know that most of these trees are supposed to be evergreens (ie. lots of green needles!) The sky ended up overblown because I was exposing for the dark burned trees.



05-14-2009, 11:52 PM
Really liking that last photo! Beig difference on the size of the post, can really see it now!