View Full Version : Key West - Ernest Hemingway's Estate

04-26-2009, 11:20 PM
Here a few pics I have been working on.
They are all from a recent trip to Key West all the pics except the Star Fish are from the Hemingway Estate.
I chose the B/W with spot colour, to try and show the past being preserved for the future, or it looked cool this way. Not sure..lol :confused:

04-26-2009, 11:25 PM
Oh! I love that second shot! Great comp and lighting =) How come you didn't make the statue also colour? It looks kinda odd being the only thing on the table to not be colour.

I like the cat one too. Again, I think the other cat should also have been in colour. And the last two look perfectly fine to me! =D I'm not too keen on the first one though....I think it's the comp I have a problem with. And it sort of looks tilted.

Nice job, overall though!

ETA: For some reason, I always think he was married to Sylvia Plath. I dunno why :headslap:

04-26-2009, 11:39 PM
Do not really know why I did not colour the cat on the table. Here is a copy with the cat coloured. I do like it a little better.
I left the cat on the stairs not coloured as it was mostly B/W and was not sure if I liked it coloured.
As for the chair I like it and hate it. There is just something that I can not seem to get right with it. Might be as you suggested maybe I will try a little straightening and cropping and see if that helps.
Again thanks for the comments I really appreciate them, fairly new to this stuff and the feed back is great.

04-27-2009, 10:19 AM
Shot 2 is my fave of the lot and the colouring makes good sense to me and is effective in this case. i have no problem with the chair. My only small nit on this is how centered the white book looks. Aside from that, I dig this one best.

04-27-2009, 02:36 PM
I like the second one the best. Nice job considering the conditions. If I remember correctly that room is not accessible and your options are limited.

It was a great tour:)

04-27-2009, 03:25 PM
The table is the winner to me! I LOVE it!

04-27-2009, 07:19 PM
Yep, like the table with the selective coloring the best as well. :)