View Full Version : Bridge Over Untroubled Waters

Mad Aussie
04-18-2009, 06:26 PM
A small walk bridge in the Sth East Qld rainforest


04-18-2009, 06:41 PM
Beautiful shot. Looks like a slow shutter speed and small aperture. I tried that today with my water shots, and all I got was washed out shots. Couldn't see a thing. Can you tell me what I should be doing? I had my camera at f29 - .5, and got a pretty white square... lol...


Mad Aussie
04-18-2009, 06:50 PM
Beautiful shot. Looks like a slow shutter speed and small aperture. I tried that today with my water shots, and all I got was washed out shots. Couldn't see a thing. Can you tell me what I should be doing? I had my camera at f29 - .5, and got a pretty white square... lol...

Too much light. Have you read that doc I sent you? It tells you what affects the light sensitivity.
Make sure you ISO is at it's lowest ... if needed then certainly take the F-stop way up as you did. If you still can't get the shot then you are going to need to either wait for lower light or artifically create that effect with a filter attached to the lens. That's what Neutral Density (ND) filters do. You buy them in different darkness's which then allows you to lower that shutter speed further.
I use a circular polarizer which kinda does the same thing with the added advantage of being good for cutting reflections as well. You get two uses out of that way. ND or ND Graduated filters are the right tool for that job though. Usually. If there's a ton of reflection off the water then the CP can be the better choice.

04-19-2009, 09:27 AM
Another keeper MA - lovely treatment and composition!

Mad Aussie
04-19-2009, 02:22 PM
Thanks marko :) This bridge is just down stream from the Natural Bridge waterfall.