View Full Version : Hisssssssssssssss
Mad Aussie
04-18-2009, 04:20 AM
We spent the day in the best rainforest around today, and just as we left to drive home we found this fella resting after a feed.
He's a Coastal Carpet Python I think ... about 2 metres (7 feet) long.
I had to annoy him a little to get the tongue going ;) For awhile there we thought he was going to strike because I was within strike range at only about 500mm (1/2 yard) max. Thankfully he didn't though. I was kinda hoping he might so I'd get the shot of a lifetime but wasn't sure I really wanted two fangs sunk into my hand to get it. :rolleyes:
04-18-2009, 06:00 AM
Holy MA..........:eek:
I'm deathly afraid of snakes on the gound like that! Stick to the stuffy ones! You are way braver than I Mr.Steve Irwin Jr. !
Way cool shots too btw :highfive:
Mad Aussie
04-18-2009, 06:08 AM
Thnaks Casil. He quite docile for awhile. He let me move some grass that was only about 6 inches from his head. But later on he got a bit over me and started coiling back into the strike position :)
LeAngel got in close and got some nice shots too. Not quite as close as I was but around a metre (yard) away.
04-18-2009, 09:37 AM
But later on he got a bit over me and started coiling back into the strike position :)
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I like the second one the best. Good eye to find him in the wild! It's amazing how they blend in. My daughter had a corn snake that could make herself invisible in a 12" by 24" terrarium. Don't worry about two fangs on these big fellas. They only have dozens of needle sharp backward curving daggers that may be covered in salmonella bacteria. Nothing an Auzzie couldn't handle!
04-18-2009, 10:21 AM
Don't worry about two fangs on these big fellas. They only have dozens of needle sharp backward curving daggers that may be covered in salmonella bacteria. Nothing an Auzzie couldn't handle!
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Mad Aussie
04-18-2009, 05:04 PM
Yeh we had some people watching me shooting this and when he started coiling up for as a threat pose they wanted to know what would happen if he bit me. My answer was I'd scream like a little girl, dance around like a cat on a hot tin roof, and then go to the doctor later on to get the infection taken care of.
No good eye on finding him for me :headslap: Leanne and I stood not 2 metres from him as I pointed her in the direction of the toilets and then I turned and walked within 1 metre of him and off down to the stream and waterfall. Leanne saw him when she came out again and came and grabbed me.
04-18-2009, 11:12 PM
Thnaks Casil. He quite docile for awhile. He let me move some grass that was only about 6 inches from his head. But later on he got a bit over me and started coiling back into the strike position :)
LeAngel got in close and got some nice shots too. Not quite as close as I was but around a metre (yard) away.
Im about 90% sure it looks like a python of some sort so Im not sure I would have been too worried about the fangs. Learning features and being aware of your subject is key when you are possibly dealing with a deadly creature.
Do you know what type of snake this is? Its face suggests python and body type definitely looks like a constrictor. I could be wrong.
Yes, getting an in focus capture of a striking snake would have been phenomenal. Nice work anyways.
*EDIT* I missed your identification of the animal before posting this. I thought it looked like a python. Carpet pythons aren't bad. A little large to deal with if it were to strike, but pretty manageable. Just a like of teeth and a little blood. As a rule of thumb for constrictors, 3 meters or less is manageable for one person. Anything larger than that, a second person for backup is preferred. Thought I would share some of my herp knowledge. It pays to do your homework on these guys. Having one as a pet helps too!
Mad Aussie
04-18-2009, 11:36 PM
Yeh I wasn't too worried at all. He was only about as round as a man's forearm at the thickest. His head was maybe 50mm (2 inch) wide and 65mm long. Not like he could swallow my face or anything like that.
04-18-2009, 11:37 PM
I still would have tried to pick him up. Just me though, cant seem to keep my hands off those guys.
04-19-2009, 02:10 AM
Great shots, especially the blue tongue one!
When I lived in Lethbridge, I knew Monty Krizon of Monty's Travelling Reptile Show. Whenever he was in town I would go see his reptiles. I hate snakes but I liked to go see Missy his 200 pound albino Python. He also had a large iguana named Tee Beau that I was cool with (That is he didn't scare the bejesus out of me). He had a little TV show of the same name that I used to watch inspite of my terror of snakes.
04-19-2009, 07:53 PM
He/She's beautiful! I love snakes and have been a bit a couple times saving snakes from brutal boys when I was much much younger!
great photos
Mad Aussie
04-20-2009, 01:36 AM
Thank you :)
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