View Full Version : The Mask
03-23-2009, 03:57 PM
Thought I would try some low-light photography today...this mask I have always intrigured me for this type of thing so I started playing with it and the bulb setting... used a tripod, cable release, flashlight and the windowless bathroom.
Here's what some of the results so far have looked like....
03-23-2009, 04:35 PM
Here's one more....thanks for any input!
Mad Aussie
03-23-2009, 07:05 PM
Boy ... for a learner you really enjoy picking the tough stuff to try out huh Casil?
Intriguing mask to play with.
Good to see you using manual for this and learning to control the options the way YOU want them instead of the camera. And for this sort of thing it's a necessity really.
Looking at the first and last shots I can see a distinct difference in the DOF and when I look at the aperture settings you used I only see f3.5 in the first and f4 in the last. Not much difference there. It is also 18mm versus 26mm so that makes a difference depending on how close you were to the subject.
So far the results are nice. Not outstanding but nice. Without being there it's difficult to suggest too much.
However, I'd give a much higher f-stop a go. Something like f11 - f16. It will achieve a deeper DOF to start with which might be nicer and, possibly, if there's enough light (try different shutter speeds), it may also produce a small lens star which might enhance the pearl type bead thingies.
Composition wise I think the first shot is the best. I like the angle you are shooting this at in all cases though.
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