View Full Version : Mossy

11-03-2019, 02:11 PM
Mossy stairs

11-04-2019, 09:34 AM
comment edited -

interesting light here- I may have waited for some walkers if this were mine.....but looking at it for the second time -- I take it back - looks fine on it's own. I might try to get the branches and the moss to stand out a bit more (likely via some dodging of highlights and midtones)...but just a wee bit....it doesn't require much PP (I also might consider burning in the first step by 25-50%, because it creates a better leading line on the brighter part of the branch starting on step 2)

I actually think it would look great in a large size. Nicely seen and framed.

11-04-2019, 09:33 PM
That looks like my front steps.


11-05-2019, 09:45 AM
Just a note that I edited my comment - many images are better judged after a second viewing.