View Full Version : Red Oak II

01-06-2019, 02:29 PM
it's been a while since I've gone out on a photo walkabout so yesterday my wife and I went to a small 1930's replica town and I got a few shots.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7824/31693172327_a935aa49c9_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/QhBMXD)
Red Oak II (https://flic.kr/p/QhBMXD) by Lorey Barnum (https://www.flickr.com/photos/129658637@N05/), on Flickr
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4867/31693173067_695b7ff741_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/QhBNbp)
Red Oak II (https://flic.kr/p/QhBNbp) by Lorey Barnum (https://www.flickr.com/photos/129658637@N05/), on Flickr
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7926/31693171247_c38e473f44_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/QhBMD2)
Red Oak II (https://flic.kr/p/QhBMD2) by Lorey Barnum (https://www.flickr.com/photos/129658637@N05/), on Flickr
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4813/31693171837_e2397d93a3_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/QhBMPc)
Red Oak II (https://flic.kr/p/QhBMPc) by Lorey Barnum (https://www.flickr.com/photos/129658637@N05/), on Flickr
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4852/46634426081_b01be5906c_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2e3VC9Z)
Red Oak II (https://flic.kr/p/2e3VC9Z) by Lorey Barnum (https://www.flickr.com/photos/129658637@N05/), on Flickr

01-06-2019, 05:26 PM
Great set Lorey. The de-saturated processing really adds to the old time feel.

The cat seems to be in pretty good shape for a 1930's cat. Seriously though, I do love the detail and the light

01-06-2019, 07:35 PM
Great set, looks like time well spent.

01-07-2019, 09:23 AM
nice set - like the others have said, great place and I dig the processing.

01-07-2019, 12:00 PM
Thanks RM. Well if a cat has 9 lives and the average life span is about 12 years he's probably somewhere in his 8th life ;)

01-07-2019, 12:00 PM
Great set, looks like time well spent.

Yes it was. I visit there every year or 2 and I always have an enjoyable walk. Thanks for comments.

01-07-2019, 12:01 PM
thanks Marko. Appreciate the comments.