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05-15-2018, 04:40 AM
Also newbie on this forum. My name is Danny.
I have long been interested in photography, but I don't have big experience. That's why I joined this community: I would like to find answers on a few questions concerning camera equipment.
05-15-2018, 05:10 AM
Welcome to the forum!!!
What questions do you have about equipment?
05-15-2018, 05:52 AM
Thank you, theantiquetiger! First of all I would like to know how to choose good camera lens, because I don't know anything about it.
How different lens influences on the angle of view? I like to take photo of landscapes and nature and currently I am using kit lens of Canon EOS 60D (
Beyond that I need a printer for my home, where I will be able also to print my photos in good quality. I know that many printers ( makes photos darker or does not display colors correctly, so, I don't want to make a mistake buying it.
05-15-2018, 10:47 AM
For landscape, you will want a wide angle, low length lens, something in the range of 8mm to 50mm. Your kit lens is probably 18-55mm. This lens is actually not bad for landscapes. The secret to kit lenses is to stay in the middle of its ranges. So around 36mm will give you the sharpest images on length, and on your F/Stop, the midrange is somewhere around f/12-14. These setting will get you your sharpest images. The more important thing you need for landscapes is a good tripod. I am not talking about a cheap little thing with twigs for legs, I am talking the ones with a good solid base, heavy duty legs and tight head, so the camera cannot shake even the slightest when the wind blows. You can find a decent one used (A good recommendation, buy used equipment) on Ebay.
Do you know the rules of camera usage? When shooting landscapes (or any shot), your shutter speed needs to be higher than your focal length. For example, if you are shooting with your kit lens at 55mm (your camera is a crop lens, so you are actually shooting at 88mm, not 55mm), your shutter speed needs to be greater than 88mm, or your image will not be sharp, due to natural shake of your hands. A tripod will eliminate this, you can shoot at any length/speed. And if you are slower than 1/60 of a sec, you need to mount it, it will also pick up natural hand shake.
The math for the focal length your camera is 1.6x focal length, so at 20mm, you are actually at 32mm, 50mm = 80mm, 100mm = 160mm, etc
If you are shooting nature (birds & wildlife), you will need a long reach lens, 200mm+ (400mm for birds).
Tamron makes an all-in-one lens that I have heard many good things about. The Tamron 18-270 (which is actually 29mm-432mm for your camera)
As far as a printer, I wouldn't recommend one. They are VERY pricy. I would just stick to on-line printing or if you don't care about high quality, print at the local drug store or Wal-Mart.
05-15-2018, 10:57 AM
Another thing about lenses, i only own 3 lenses, a simple cheap 50mm (called a nifty fifty). Its plastic but very light. it is great for portraits or just walking around and cost about $75 used.
I also own a 70-200 2.8 and a 24-70 2.8. These two lenses are expensive. I bought my 70-200 new, which was $1500. I bought my 24-70 used off Ebay for $700. That was over half the price it was new, and there was not a thing wrong with it.
Since you have a cropped lens, you can get some great lenses for less than $500. Check out Tamron, they make a great lenses that won't break the bank.
Any other lens I may need, I rent them. I am going to Italy in a few weeks, and I am renting a fisheye lens. This is a $1000 lens that I am renting for $100.
05-15-2018, 02:06 PM
One more thing...
Before you go out and buy all kinds of equipment, learn photography. Learn composition, rule of thirds, etc. Take a private lesson or study hours of YouTube videos like I did. Use the lens you have, learn the basics. Learn your camera. You have a 60D, which is a great camera. That thing can do MANY things you never even thought of doing.
05-20-2019, 09:13 AM
Hi there, my name is Eva Wilson. I've been working for over 20 years in IT sector, as Project Manager, Team Leader and focused mainly in areas of IT services, e-Learning and consulting and nowadays I am working for online dissertation help.
05-20-2019, 12:39 PM
Hi Danny. Welcome to the forum.
As for lenses, my suggestion would be to check out if there are any places where you can rent lenses in your area. By renting different lenses you can see what they can do for you first before trying to buy them. Also, it is worth it to spend a little extra to get the best quality lens even if you have to save up a little longer. As theantiquetiger says consider third party lenses such as Tamron and Sigma. They can be just as good and much cheaper than the name brand lens.
06-29-2019, 12:41 PM
Hello, it is nice to be here, thanks a lot for giving us the chance to introduce ourselves here. I am just satisfied to join this forum!
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