View Full Version : Adobe Master Collection installation grief: Fix coming

02-24-2017, 07:48 PM
I work in higher ed IT and got bitten hard by the “Installation failed” bug while trying to install the CC 2017 Master Collection in a lab setting earlier this week.

Oddly, the very same installer (enterprise build) worked the week before. A fresh and updated rebuild did not help.

At any rate, we corresponded with Adobe and they have been deluged with complaints. They identified 2 of the apps that were causing the issue (Scout and one other odd thing I don’t recall ever hearing about before).

A fix is expected Monday (2/27).

06-21-2018, 02:24 PM
Well that issue came and went, thankfully. Now I notice that in order to run the latest Adobe CC 2018 updates, one must manually reinstall the Creative Cloud desktop app.

Maybe this has something to do with parts of their software not being 64-bit (as macOS High Sierra warns)? At any rate, the updates proceed normally after this is done.