View Full Version : Turtle Dove
Mad Aussie
03-09-2009, 10:22 PM
Kat asked me in my Flickr album whether I use feed to get the photos of the Rainbow Lorikeets I've taken. My answer was no because I hadn't taken any with feed yet.
However, I have been setting up to do just that.
This is a shot of my first bird using feed to entice them. It's in my backyard where I have buried an old fence post into the ground. The post has hollow sections and I put the bird seed in there.
A short while ago I got this Spotted Turtle Dove having a meal ;)
03-09-2009, 10:24 PM
man - you have got theeeee coolest wild life in your neighborhood of any one!!! love seeing them!!
Agree with TT. I'm so jealous!
03-09-2009, 10:46 PM
Oh he is a pretty bird! Nice capture!
Mad Aussie
03-09-2009, 10:52 PM
Thanks ladies :)
Do you not get Doves/pigeons where you are?
03-09-2009, 10:56 PM
Great shot and a creative way to get it. Now I know what a Turtle Dove looks like. I always wondered when that guy got two for Christmas from his "true love" just what they looked like:)
Mad Aussie
03-09-2009, 10:58 PM
Great shot and a creative way to get it. Now I know what a Turtle Dove looks like. I always wondered when that guy got two for Christmas from his "true love" just what they looked like:)
Until today I didn't know either! We get these birds in the yard quite often ... just thought they were pigeons and nothing special. Well it is a pigeon but specifically a Spotted Turtle Dove my new Birds of Australia identification book shows me ;)
Sweet! I never saw one either! Great shot! Great idea for the feed too!
Thanks ladies :)
Do you not get Doves/pigeons where you are?
I think we have maybe, 5 pigeons in Edmonton :p I mostly just see geese. There are falcons around but definitely not in the city. Would have to go out into the country to find them; I wouldn't even know where to look!
Mad Aussie
03-09-2009, 11:15 PM
I think we have maybe, 5 pigeons in Edmonton :p I mostly just see geese. There are falcons around but definitely not in the city. Would have to go out into the country to find them; I wouldn't even know where to look!
In the sky Gem ;)
I'll post a couple more shots from my little shoot on my 'stumps' shortly ... anyone seen a Magpie-Lark? :rolleyes:
In the sky Gem ;)
Darn it. Why didn't I think of that before? (
Mad Aussie
03-09-2009, 11:27 PM
This is a Magpie-Lark ... you can see how I cut the fence post into two different lengths to create more for the birds to sit on.
Our Hero of the thread in the rain eying up my stump and preparing to drop down for a feed
And here is the two of them sitting up on the fence waiting for me to go away
03-09-2009, 11:31 PM
those are really interesting looking birds. nothing at all like that around here... mostly blue jays and chickadees. :) i really like your idea for the post feeders! itd be great if you could get some really bright greenery or something between the birds and fence - to make them 'pop'...
Mad Aussie
03-09-2009, 11:34 PM
those are really interesting looking birds. nothing at all like that around here... mostly blue jays and chickadees. :) i really like your idea for the post feeders! itd be great if you could get some really bright greenery or something between the birds and fence - to make them 'pop'...
We are thinking of putting in another bottle brush like the one just over the fence between the Stumps and the fence for that reason. The ground here is clay and very very hard to dig though. But that's the plan. Failing that I might paint up a strip fabric to hang there with a bokeh effect on it as a backdrop. I want to see if the stumps will be successful first though.
03-09-2009, 11:39 PM
Cool looking birds, especially the magpie-lark! It's like some weird mutation bird.
Here is your run of the mill pigeon. Most of them around here are gray. He is a pretty cream and brown. I was crossing the track and just had enough time to pull out the camera and grab a shot so it is not that great. (
Mad Aussie
03-09-2009, 11:49 PM
Cool looking birds, especially the magpie-lark! It's like some weird mutation bird.
They are a funny little bird! Here is a shot of them dive bombing an Osprey's nest and have watched doing it over and over until the Osprey take flight.
Excuse the old watermark I used to use :rolleyes:
Mad Aussie
03-11-2009, 05:44 AM
Cool looking birds, especially the magpie-lark! It's like some weird mutation bird.
Here is your run of the mill pigeon. Most of them around here are gray. He is a pretty cream and brown. I was crossing the track and just had enough time to pull out the camera and grab a shot so it is not that great. (
I missed this shot, you edited your post and added this shot while I was posting my next post.
Cool ... your 'run of the mill' pigeon is quite different from ours. I'll have to dig out a photo of our most common pigeons.
Mad Aussie
03-11-2009, 06:05 AM
I think our most common pigeon around here would be the Rock Dove but I don't seem to have any photos of those. They just made my 'hit' list! ;)
I did find these though, which are also quite common around here. Crested Pigeons ...
Even your pigeons have color!!! LOL!
Great shots. I love your set up!!! I don't think I'm going to get too many bird shots this summer. Seems that both my neighbours got two new puppies...don't think I'll see a cat either :p
I like the hairdo :p
There's a lot of Magpies around, and finches. I used to volunteer at a Wildlife Shelter, and we'd get all sorts of things coming in!
Baby Osprey, bald eagles, chickadees, ravens, crows, owls, baby deer....No pictures were allowed though! :(
03-11-2009, 11:10 AM
Your crested pigeon is very pretty!
03-11-2009, 11:14 AM
hilarious... your pigeons look like little punk rockers!! :D love the cresent moon in the diving shot as well. and btw, if the clay is too hard to dig up, you could maybe think of putting a hook in the fence with a hanging baskets of plants/flowers for some color... just a thought! :)
and raiven! ive never seen a prettier boring old canadian pigeon before! the cream is lovely... and notice how all our birds feet are so much duller than aussie birds? think that is because all the blood is frozen outta our little guys feets...
and notice how all our birds feet are so much duller than aussie birds? think that is because all the blood is frozen outta our little guys feets... (
Yes...I really did laugh that hard.
Mad Aussie
03-11-2009, 03:13 PM
:D Punk Rock Pigeons ... I thought the same thing!
Baskets are a good idea! ;)
Mad Aussie
03-12-2009, 02:01 AM
Not all our birds are pretty ... here's an ugly duckling of a bird ... it's a Masked Lapwing (often called a Spur Winged Plover) and these birds are very common around here. They aggressively defend their young by dive bombing humans and other threats trying to whack you with those spurs you see in this photo.
Yes I took this when they had young. Yes I got dive bombed ... lots. And I got the bird so pissed that it started diving every human within a 100 metre radius of it's chicks! :eek:
03-12-2009, 10:06 AM
Wow lovely birds MA well done!
Just knowing the names of all the birds is impressive. Sparrows and pigeons - those are the only 2 i know. :D
Heheh, he lookes like a masked crusader.
03-12-2009, 10:15 AM
They aggressively defend their young by dive bombing humans and other threats trying to whack you with those spurs you see in this photo.
Yes I took this when they had young. Yes I got dive bombed ... lots. And I got the bird so pissed that it started diving every human within a 100 metre radius of it's chicks! :eek:
That's what the crows do out here when they have their young....I get dive-bombed by crows every summer to the point that I walk around with an umbrella to pop open when I know I'm in range of a nest!
Sheesh MA even your crows are pretty! :)
03-12-2009, 11:18 AM
ok - this guy really did make me Laugh Out Loud! hee hee... looks like he found a piece of chewed up yellow bubble gum on the sidewalk and stuck it on his face as a mask... watch out banks! and baby stealers! :D
03-12-2009, 11:19 AM
hes even is concealing a little orange pointy gun under his wing! eek!
03-12-2009, 11:44 AM
He has great eyes! Like teddy bear buttons!
Mad Aussie
03-12-2009, 03:44 PM
Nope ... our crows aren't pretty ... here's real crow ...
Your crows dive bomb you :eek: Our crows wouldn't dare!!! But our Magpies would! Every breeding season these bird create havoc diving people and sometimes causing injuries. I had one embedded in my bike helmet once! These birds are smaller than crows by half but they scare way more people!
Mad Aussie
03-12-2009, 03:50 PM
I found another pigeon too, not great photos though .... the Common Bronze Wing
We also have these ... Emu's ... the World's 2nd largest bird in height reaching up to a little over 2 metres (about 6 - 6 1/5 foot). They are funny birds when you see them out on the back roads where they will try to race you. You on bitumen or gravel and them in the bush beside the road doing 60 kph! Until they find a hole, trip, and go ass over turkey for the nest 5 metres.
Emu's back
Mad Aussie
03-15-2009, 12:14 AM
After adding crows and emu's I thought I better get back to Pigeons/Doves.
Here's our most common pigeon ... the Rock Dove (Feral or Common Pigeon)
I think this one is a strangely coloured Juvenile Rock Dove ...
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