View Full Version : Assignment list for 2016
12-07-2015, 07:19 PM
It is probably that time of year again when we should be considering assignment ideas for next year
If anyone has any suggestions or ideas for assignments please post them in this thread.
A list of previous assignments is here Assignment List (
12-07-2015, 07:24 PM
To kick things off, here are few thoughts I had.
Photo Essay - 3-5 photos of a common theme to tell a story
Hot / Cold
"Running with scissors" - a.k.a. taking a risk and breaking the rules
"Shooting Through" - inspired by Marko's Podcast 136 - Lube up your Old Filters | ( Taking photos with something over the lens (vaseline/stockings/ plastic/ fly wire etc) or even shooting through a fence/ foliage etc
12-07-2015, 08:37 PM
Something to consider ......
1. I find sometimes that I like the theme but doesn't fit in for me that month but I would still like to do it. I was thinking of a couple of possibilities.
a) Have a list of assignments and you have the year to choose from the list and take pictures to submit.
b) Perhaps the year is too long so maybe it could be quarterly assignments
2. The argument against 1. would be that people have a tendency to procrastinate and having a deadline tends to encourage you to get out and do it. So maybe monthly actually is better.
12-08-2015, 11:37 AM
Thx for starting this off RM!
2. The argument against 1. would be that people have a tendency to procrastinate and having a deadline tends to encourage you to get out and do it. So maybe monthly actually is better.
I agree with this instinct ;)
I like all of your suggestions RM and I encourage members to leave many additional suggestions. The best suggestions IMO are those that have wide appeal and do not require extra/expensive equipment.
Here are some additional suggestions
- Impact
- Black on white OR white on black
- 2 second exposure
12-08-2015, 01:47 PM
I'm going to make an early New Year's Resolution to get my butt out and shoot each and every assignment next year. So, let's think up some good assignments. Additionally, I challenge everyone on the board to make sure they submit at least 1 photo to the assignment thread. If I can get one into the assignment then you can too. Let's push each other to be better this coming year.
My suggestions to add to the list:
- Inspired by a song/book/movie title (it's an old favourite but I enjoyed doing it the last time)
- Lit with flash (Let's play with flash, on camera or off camera)
- Natural light only (the counterpoint to flash)
- beginnings/endings - your interpretation
- technology
- Inception (Sort of based on the movie that has dreams within dreams, it could be things inside of things, kaleidoscope-ish)
12-08-2015, 03:43 PM
I like that resolution, I might try that too,
Suggestions I will add:
- Upside down
- Water
- Shiny
12-11-2015, 10:57 AM
More good suggestions:
I have a level 2 suggestion but don't know how to title it properly - so how about - F**k the rule of thirds
12-24-2015, 12:26 PM
feel free to add new suggestions - Now's the time :D
12-24-2015, 05:56 PM
Edges (edge of the frame or objects showing edges)
01-01-2016, 10:56 AM
We are missing suggestions - we need at least 24 to do the whole year....we have 17.
This would be the last day for input.
Tomorrow I''ll choose the themes for the year (or for most of the year) based on the input from this thread.
01-01-2016, 06:51 PM
Off the top of my head (but maybe these have been brewing a while):
01-03-2016, 12:57 AM
I never tire of "black and white" and would be happy for that one again.
urban angles
Take a photos at the same time everyday for 5 or 10 (or how ever many) days
self portrait
Doors (or dare I say windows)
Park benches
night time photography
Just a stray thought - what about some sort of post processing assignment?
some other ideas here 52 photography projects: a photo idea to try every week of the year | Digital Camera World (
01-03-2016, 01:04 AM
Hi members,
Based on suggestions and some brainstorming I've come up with a list - Hope it works for you, it's not set in stone but it's a start so let's get to it!
Regular assignments 2016
Jan - Upside down
Feb - Cold
March - Shiny
April - Water
May - Heat
June - Green
July - Under
August - Pairs or sets
September - Hot
October - Salt
November - Money
December - Faces
Level 2 assignments 2016
Jan - Photo Essay - 3-5 photos of a common theme to tell a story
Feb - F**k the rule of thirds
March - Shoot through
April -1/1000 or faster
May - 2 second exposure
June - Lit with flash (Let's play with flash, on camera or off camera)
July - Gesture
August - Splash
September - Image Inspired by a song/book/movie title
October - Beginnings/endings
November - Edges
December - Technology
Hope you like these assignments and thanks so much for all the suggestions. The actual assignments should (as usual) be posted in their respective forums.
01-03-2016, 01:19 AM
Looks good Marko
New spreadsheet updated here Assignments List (
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