View Full Version : Recent Family Shoot

08-30-2015, 02:19 PM
I learn every time I go shooting. I really just need to do more of it to get better. It's always enlightening to look at the results so I can see the mistakes I make. Here's a couple of the results that I'm happiest with.




09-05-2015, 04:49 PM
No comments? Makes me a little sad. :(

Barefoot's like makes me happy though!


09-05-2015, 06:43 PM
No comments? Makes me a little sad. :(

Barefoot's like makes me happy though!


I am pretty convinced that I see every post in this forum, however I now realise my conviction is unfounded. Sorry mate, I didn't see this one.

You have done a great job with these. The expressions are lovely in the first, but it looks like you had some tricky light (that you handled well). Lovely family shot in #3 and a beautifully made shot in # 2. Love the light in this one too.