View Full Version : Affordable Post-Production Software

07-16-2015, 08:23 PM
Hey guys, as a high schooler who's relatively new to the game, I need advice on some good, affordable post software. It doesn't need to be cheap, but say under $150.
Let me know your thoughts, because I'm quite clueless when it comes to this one...thanks :)!

07-16-2015, 09:22 PM
Hey, Jasonaphotography.

Welcome to the forum. It depends on how detailed your post production is. You were using your Z30 in the other thread. Is that the only thing you are using as a camera? If so, I would suggest you go get Google's Picasa. It's free and does a decent job at managing your catalog of images as well as some basic things like contrast and red eye reduction, etc. You can find it here: Picasa (http://www.google.com/picasa/) (it's free)

If you need more detailed editing and you want to go very cheaply you can go get Gimp which is also free at GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program (http://www.gimp.org/) There are tons of tutorials on the web for Gimp.

If you have the money to spend I highly recommend Lightroom for photography. I used to be a holdout on buying stuff from Adobe but, honestly, for photographers, it does just about everything you need in one package. Major bit manipulation I reserve for Gimp (haven't gotten the photographer's package from Adobe yet). If you can afford the Photography plan from Adobe - $9.99 - https://creative.adobe.com/plans?store_code=ca&promoid=KSPAK then I would recommend you go that route. It's an awesome detail for those who want the current leader in photo editing software for what is undoubtedly a reasonable price though, personally, I hate the subscription model.

07-20-2015, 11:39 AM
Thanks Iguanasan,
I'm currently starting up a DSLR rig, but for now I'm using the Z30 and a Fujifilm Finepix SL300.
Maybe I'll go for Lightroom, I have GIMP already, but have found it pretty tough to use, so I'll have to look up the tutorials you recommended :)