View Full Version : Nice day

03-06-2009, 08:47 PM
Today was a great day. Almost 60F today. Had to get out and take some pictures in the woods. I was on my way in when I took the picture of my dog with her head out of the window. This is what she looks forward to in these trips....

03-06-2009, 08:49 PM
Some green moss I found interesting. I tried laying down to get the shot and got soaked. The ground is so saturated right now. It was warm today so everything smells like a complete dump, in a good way. You know its all food for the trees and plants getting ready to bloom in just under 2 months!

I did a little dodging and burning on the one. Its quite apparent, take it for what it is though.

03-06-2009, 08:58 PM
oh my goodness, it still looks like fall there! man, i am jealous!! that last shot looks really cool...

03-06-2009, 10:34 PM
We finally had a nice day. This has been the worst winter we have had in 9 years or so the meteoroligists say. Either way, yeah I was glad we had a nice day finally. Ma is the one you should be mad at though. If I'm not mistaken, it still is summer for him. Guess thats what you get for living in the Southern hemisphere.

Mad Aussie
03-06-2009, 10:42 PM
I'm sitting here with no shirt on ('Man Boobies' showing proudly) contemplating closing all the doors and windows and starting up the air con.

Looks like a nice area for photos there JJ

03-07-2009, 01:48 AM
oh shaddup both of you.... ;) 'worst winter in 9 years'... boo hoo - have you seen the pics i just posted in the 'your city at night' thread!? now THATS a bad winter... and MA - put those man boobies away, hop on a plane and come freeze yer ass off in northern canada for a while. just for funsies...
(sorry if i come off cranky - ive been surrounded by 4 feet of snow and -20c temp since october. yes, thats right - this is coming onto my 6th flipping month of winter. COME ON SPRING, where are you!?!?!)
all that green in your photos jj... making me yearn for it even worse! :)

03-07-2009, 01:52 AM
oh shaddup both of you.... ;) 'worst winter in 9 years'... boo hoo - have you seen the pics i just posted in the 'your city at night' thread!? now THATS a bad winter... and MA - put those man boobies away, hop on a plane and come freeze yer ass off in northern canada for a while. just for funsies...
(sorry if i come off cranky - ive been surrounded by 4 feet of snow and -20c temp since october. yes, thats right - this is coming onto my 6th flipping month of winter. COME ON SPRING, where are you!?!?!)
all that green in your photos jj... making me yearn for it even worse! :)

JJ - nice shots - what are the little buds? are they a grass or flower?
holy cow, K!!! btw - how is it there in july? honey and i are going to be in canmor - just wondering what to pack for the week.

Mad Aussie
03-07-2009, 02:00 AM
oh shaddup both of you.... ;) 'worst winter in 9 years'... boo hoo - have you seen the pics i just posted in the 'your city at night' thread!? now THATS a bad winter... and MA - put those man boobies away, hop on a plane and come freeze yer ass off in northern canada for a while. just for funsies...
(sorry if i come off cranky - ive been surrounded by 4 feet of snow and -20c temp since october. yes, thats right - this is coming onto my 6th flipping month of winter. COME ON SPRING, where are you!?!?!)
all that green in your photos jj... making me yearn for it even worse! :)
I'll try to get to one of the surf beaches around here in the near future and send you some nice warm looking shots ;)

Oh ... and cry me a river snow girl http://www.mtbdirt.com.au/home/smf/Smileys/classic/violin.gif ... we get 6 months of summer here .... try living in plus 30 C for that long. And then we get 1 1/2 months of temps below 20 C by day and then starts soaring on back up again.

Seriously, I do understand a tiny bit how frustrating that might be ... I was born and lived in New Zealand

03-07-2009, 02:37 AM
Nice shots! Those woods look like they could just as easily have been ours. They remind me of The Congaree National Forest just a few miles from here. Our trees are trying to bear leaves, though.

In a few more months, I'll be wishing I was WAY up north. God, I hate the summer.

03-07-2009, 02:01 PM
how is it there in july? honey and i are going to be in canmor - just wondering what to pack for the week.

canmore in july is wonderful - thats exactly where & when i got married!! up in the mountains by a little lake. (im going to have to post a pic or 2 of that!) its beautiful down there in the summer (as it is up here as well) anywhere between +20 to +35ish, so pack a swimsuit & tank tops, but nights cool down quickly in the mountains, so bring a couple sweaters too! you will enjoy yourself so mcuh! bring tons of batteries for your cam - theres sooo many pics waiting to be taken there. (just dont sell them ;) )

03-07-2009, 02:05 PM
canmore in july is wonderful - thats exactly where & when i got married!! up in the mountains by a little lake. (im going to have to post a pic or 2 of that!) its beautiful down there in the summer (as it is up here as well) anywhere between +20 to +35ish, so pack a swimsuit & tank tops, but nights cool down quickly in the mountains, so bring a couple sweaters too! you will enjoy yourself so mcuh! bring tons of batteries for your cam - theres sooo many pics waiting to be taken there. (just dont sell them ;) )
more on this, so i am going to start a new thread, k

03-07-2009, 11:17 PM
The first tree picture I think its is okay, but if you waited for near sunset, thw light would cast a more pleasant color and dramatic shadows.

The water picture, is too simple, you could try to find some thing reflected by the water such as other trees or the grove itself with a tin bit of a hint of the leaves from the inside the water

03-07-2009, 11:30 PM
1st - was about 30min before sundown.

2nd - I thought the complexity of the environment masked by the shear simplicity of it image was the most personally interesting/gratifying.

Mad Aussie
03-07-2009, 11:35 PM
2nd - I thought the complexity of the environment masked by the shear simplicity of it image was the most personally interesting/gratifying.
Good grief ... I'd get stretchmarks around my mouth if I tried to say something as gratifying and artistically interwoven with entwining elements of complexity as that statement you just made JJ :eek:

03-07-2009, 11:42 PM
MA, I like it when my images get critiqued. I post images in the critique thread if I'm ASKING for you to critique then.

Here in the show forum, they are here more for the "show" idea. If someone wants to critique them go for it. All im going to do is read it regardless of what thread I put it in.

Mad Aussie
03-08-2009, 01:13 AM
Ok adjusted my comment. ;)

03-08-2009, 11:52 AM
Ok adjusted my comment. ;)

haha, what i meant was that if someone wants to critique my images in the show forum, go right ahead. I personally do not care much. Im going to read whatever you say wherever you write it so it doesnt matter much where I put things. Don't mind hearing any critique anyone has to give. Its just thats Im asking for them when I post it in the critique thread. Thanks again. :D