View Full Version : Arkansas Senate Passes Bill to Make Street Photography Illegal in State

04-02-2015, 07:36 AM
Saw this on fstoppers.

Seems to me that democracy is slowly and perniciously becoming a thing of the past. (In more and more countries that were once revered for their freedoms).

...so this time it failed as you can read at the end of the story...but it wasn't an april fool's day joke either.


04-07-2015, 11:25 AM
Further reading of the comments suggests that what is being made illegal is using an image of someone else, without their consent, to be used in a commercial venture. I haven't read the legislation but while I may not agree entirely with it I can understand the direction of such a law. Quebec already has a similar statute in regards to privacy and courts have agreed (split decision) that it does apply to this type of scenario although their reasoning's are somewhat screwy.

I'm also wondering if this legislation could be used to prosecute someone who recorded police officers abusing their powers. At the least, an attempt at possibly making the recording inadmissible in court. Too much of that going on lately.