View Full Version : Dream camera features

03-03-2009, 01:22 PM
I thought it would be fun to be a geek for a little bit and talk about what we would like in a dream camera. If you could design/build a camera and could decide what went into it, what would your top five features be? Built in GPS, HD video, super high burst rate, medium format-like sized sensor, image stabilization,...? Different people will have different ideas based on what and how they shoot.

For me:
1. Low noise in high iso- my #1 problem when shooting is blurry shots in low light. I don't have the money for (nor do I want to carry around) large fast glass and this feature would be great for me.

2. More dynamic range/built-in HDR- my #2 biggest problem is that I mostly shoot during the middle of the day and my skies (and other highlights) are often blown out. Split nd filter can only help out so much.

3. Big tilt and swivel lcd screen w/live view- I owned a Canon s5 and this feature was awesome! Lets you get really creative angles easily. I think every camera should have this.

4. Built-in rf ttl wireless flash control- the more I experiment with flash, the more I want this feature.

5. Perfect/customizable ergonomics- my biggest complaint with my d40 (bigger than the lens compatibility issue) is the fact I have to go into into the menu to change common settings. I would like a physical dial, knob or button for the most common settings or the ability to customize the layout the way I want.

There are a lot of little things I would like but these are the top 5 right now. Number 6 would probably be waterproof body and lens for underwater photography. Most of these are out there in multiple cameras, but not all in one "perfect" camera, yet.

Ben H
03-03-2009, 01:42 PM
I'd like the following feature:

A big red button to turn on
"You're obviously a crap photographer and couldn't even make a supermodel look good - let's enable Full Artistry mode and I (the camera) will use my hover jets to position myself to the most artisticly good camera position, set myself into the best possible settings from all possible combinations to get the most artistic result, and automatically beam my settings to all remote lights to move and configure themselves automatically to generate the maximum artistry possible for this given scenario"

In no particular order:-

1: Low Noise to ISO25000
2: Fast, buffer-less shooting (fast enough to take the data from the sensor and write to the card meaning the camera never overfills the buffer and slows down) - 15fps shooting until the card is full, no slowdown
3: Inbuilt TTL *RADIO* flash control a la Pocketwizard - not infared/light control
4: GPS logging built in, thanks
5: HD video, done right

03-03-2009, 01:47 PM
lol... full artistry mode.....

I'd like the body engines to correct the optical errors known to each specific lens (CA, Barrel/Pincushion distortions, sharpness etc) .. similar to what DXO software does...

EDIT: OH... and clean ISO at 1 Billion would be nice as well

03-03-2009, 02:05 PM
hey camera makers - are you listening to these guys???

03-03-2009, 02:26 PM
I would like a camera that I could wear as a contact lens. It would be wired into my retina and a wire would be run through the optical nerve into the frontal lobe. It would take the information in my brain and convert it into an image exactly as I SEE it. Then it would transfer the data onto a crash-proof server where all of my experiences and images are kept.

03-03-2009, 04:53 PM
How about a tripod built right into the camera...press a buttton and "POOF" out comes a pre-assembled, sturdy, ultra-lightweight tripod which you don't have to set up or reconfigure????? Oh and press another button and "POOF" it was like it was never there!
Dare to dream huh?

Ben H
03-03-2009, 05:13 PM
I'd like the body engines to correct the optical errors known to each specific lens (CA, Barrel/Pincushion distortions, sharpness etc) .. similar to what DXO software does...

Ooh yeah, that's a good one... of course they'd need to issue new firmware updates to recent cameras with that feature everytime they released a new lens, but...

03-03-2009, 05:16 PM
I'd be happy with one that could be voice activated so I don't freeze my hands in the winter.

Ben H
03-03-2009, 05:18 PM
How about a tripod built right into the camera...press a buttton and "POOF" out comes a pre-assembled, sturdy, ultra-lightweight tripod which you don't have to set up or reconfigure????? Oh and press another button and "POOF" it was like it was never there!
Dare to dream huh?

If you're gonna dream, do it *properly*! :)

Cameras should defy gravity and lock to a stable position in the air in whatever position you enable the feature. No tripods necessary...

It can also be used to completely remove handshake as it could be automatically applied briefly when you press the shutter so the camera is *always* perfectly still at the moment of capture.

As a high-end option, expensive cameras would have this mode able to determine relative motion and still lock stably - so, you could be driving a car, hold the camera out of the window pointing back at you, enable the NTN Antigrav mode, let go of the camera, and it will hover at a consistent position outside the car, travelling at the same speed and relative distance to the car.

All to take a quick snap of you driving.

The possibilities are endless...

Ben H
03-03-2009, 05:23 PM
Ok, also a mode that when I half press the shutter, the camera speaks a random quote like:-

- Ok, smile
- More!
- Work it baby!
- Give it to me
- Wow, beautiful!

And just after the picture is taken, it says a random saying like:-

- Yeah!
- Ok, nice!
- One more!
- That's the stuff!
- Gorgeous
- Love it!

...to save the photographer the effort... :)

(A library of conversations to call up would be a high-end extra - when trying to establish a rapport with a glamourous, beautiful, intelligent subject, the camera will give conversation help prompts on the camera display, including an up to date library of *really* excellent jokes that haven't been heard before, subjects such as fashion, style, industry insiders, and other topics aimed to make the photographer seem charming, funny, knowledgable, connected, experienced and entertaining.

I'll take two, please...!

03-03-2009, 06:33 PM
Liquid lens developed specifically for DSLR’s
In camera HDR to include up to nine frames
Built in GPS
Built in wireless not relying on the storage media
Theft prevention using the above wireless and GPS capabilities
Ultra high performance at ultra high ISO’s
The ability of complete interface with desktop/laptop without additional software

By the time they get that one built, I will have thought of a few more"features" I'd like to have.