05-08-2014, 08:20 PM
I inquired to a local rag that covers a lot of events and live music in the area. I asked at the right time. It just so happens he is losing his primary photographer very soon. He asked to see my work, so I sent a link to my Flickr. He was very impressed and told me he will use me. He has a couple other Photogs, and he distributes the assignments all around.
I got a contract. The magazine owns the intellecual property of the image for 30 days after publication, then it goes a back me.
I'm ready for my first assignment!!!!
Here is their website
I sure have come a long since that trash I was posting when I first joined the forum. MAN, my stuff was terrible!!!!
I got a contract. The magazine owns the intellecual property of the image for 30 days after publication, then it goes a back me.
I'm ready for my first assignment!!!!
Here is their website
I sure have come a long since that trash I was posting when I first joined the forum. MAN, my stuff was terrible!!!!