02-26-2009, 12:05 PM
Hello everyone.
I am new to this forum and thought I would introduce myself. I graduated from the photographic school of point and shoot cameras in early 2007 when I bought my Nikon D40. Ever since, I have been ferociously acquiring knowledge and gear. I have read several photography related books, subscribe to a few magazines and listen to just about all the photography podcast I can find on itunes. That's how I happened to come across this forum. Marko's podcast is one of the better ones out there and I was compelled to finally join in on the fun here. I think I have a lot to learn and a lot to share. I have no photographer friends in "real life" so it is nice to come to this forum and just geek out and talk photography. Thank you to all who are involved in putting out the podcast and maintaining this forum!
I am new to this forum and thought I would introduce myself. I graduated from the photographic school of point and shoot cameras in early 2007 when I bought my Nikon D40. Ever since, I have been ferociously acquiring knowledge and gear. I have read several photography related books, subscribe to a few magazines and listen to just about all the photography podcast I can find on itunes. That's how I happened to come across this forum. Marko's podcast is one of the better ones out there and I was compelled to finally join in on the fun here. I think I have a lot to learn and a lot to share. I have no photographer friends in "real life" so it is nice to come to this forum and just geek out and talk photography. Thank you to all who are involved in putting out the podcast and maintaining this forum!