View Full Version : Industrial Art

03-14-2014, 10:45 PM
From time to time the company I work for ask's me to do some industrial art type photos in the shop. They (usually the divisional president or a selected committee) pick and choose of the lot to get 36X24 or 60X40 prints made to hang in the conference rooms, hallways or offices throughout the building. Here's a couple from last week and a couple I did last sumer. Comments are welcome. Thank you for viewing.





03-15-2014, 05:43 PM
Nice ones Lorey. B & W works well.

Now I am intrigued about the nature of your workplace, # 4 looks like a wire straightener to me, but #3 has got me thinking???

03-16-2014, 09:17 PM
Thank you RM. Yes, it is a wire straightener. The wire feeds from a large roll, goes through the straightener and feeds into a machine that forms the shell for a mattress. The company I work for designs and builds machines that make mattress and box springs. They are sold to companies that produce and sell bedding. That's their roots from the 1890's. Now it's a very diversified company and builds bedding machines and products not only for the bedding industry but also for the oil industry, fabrics for furniture, springs for auto makers for the car seats and parts for Whirlpool washing machines to name a few.

The third photo is from a CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine). Machined parts are bolted to the granite table and a program is created from one part that will measure all dimensions on the part with the 5 probes you see in the photo. Every hole diameter, slot widths, any depths or angle can be measured in a full 360 degrees around the part and from top to bottom. After the program is written for a particular part then it's just a matter of bolting the next part down and hitting the "go" button. It's primarily for production QC if you have 2 or more complex parts to check. The results are printed out and shows all measurements and any deviation there might be from the blue print.

Thank you for viewing and commenting. I appreciate it.

03-16-2014, 10:10 PM
very cool set Lorey.

03-17-2014, 11:03 AM
Really found these interesting nice work.

03-17-2014, 09:01 PM
Thank you Marko and AcadieLibre for your time to look and comment. It is greatly appreciated.