View Full Version : Suggestion - make a list of assignments now, for all of 2014
12-26-2013, 01:22 PM
Hi members,
Happy Holidays!
I just had an idea. Seems like at the beginning of each month we scramble a bit for assignment ideas.
What if we choose 24 (12 for the regular and 12 for level 2) assignments BEFORE the new year, mark them in a thread that's a sticky, and then we will always know what the assignment will be.
Anyone like this idea? Anyone hate it?
12-26-2013, 01:34 PM
That sounds good.
I actually had an theme idea for January, "Security". I don't remember why I got this idea, but I figured there could be several interpretations of it.
So I submit "Security" as one of the 12 monthly level 1 themes.
12-27-2013, 10:10 AM
I like security as a level one theme!
Let's have some more suggestions - OR if people are against this idea, please let me know here or by PM.
I have a level 2 suggestion - Cropped faces (take a portrait and crop the face deliberately)
12-27-2013, 12:40 PM
I'd love as many people as possible to suggest some themes that they like for either level 1 or level 2 - thx!
12-27-2013, 05:22 PM
I think this is a great idea. I'll try to come up with some ideas.
12-27-2013, 08:56 PM
I think it is a fine idea, but think perhaps a year is too far in advance, and may also be difficult to get started. Maybe more practical to start with just a couple of months in advance until the list grows big enough? In this way if we get a brainwave or some inspiration for an assignment there is still an incentive to share it rather than waiting for next year. I also kinda like the idea of having to think on your feet a little and not have too long to think about it. Just my 2 cents worth.
12-28-2013, 01:13 AM
I'd already been thinking about January. It seems like the last couple of months, we've gotten a late start as far as submissions go, I'm assuming because everyone is feeling crunched for time. I was going to suggest something along the lines of "What Santa brought (bonus points for cool presentation)".
I can see Runmonty's point, of not having the opportunity to "think on one's feet", though there will always be photos that were a case of opportunity knocking. How about trying to generate a list for 3 or 4 months? That will also give people time to think a bit more on the subject. You could also have a couple of months where there isn't a theme already assigned, to give room for ideas that come up during the year. The other way to handle that is to change out themes later on, but leaving holes to be filled might be easier.
Hum, let's see - toys in the toy box (loose definition of "toy").
Processing techniques, if people have shown a consistent interest in one or two in particular.
Old and new.
A different angle.
It's late, so I'm both rattling off ideas, and getting sort of loopy. But it's a start.
12-28-2013, 12:12 PM
I like these ideas and before new years I will place these ideas in a 2 column chart (Regular and level 2) in the first post of this thread
I appreciate the thinking on your feet point, RM - but lately every month starts slow (because we have no predestined topics) and only a minority of members normally make suggestions....and if they do make suggestions, only 1 can 'win' so to speak.
This way, it's pretty open to 24 suggestions that can be placed in columns so we know where we are at.
In addition - if we did want to add a 3rd last minute thinking on your feet assignment - easy peasy, no sweat.
So let's see how many suggestions we get before new years - and again if additional people aren't into this, please let me know.
12-29-2013, 12:43 AM
Capital idea, Marko!
I have been pressed for time of late but I feel a photographically focused year coming up!
I'm also thinking I would like to stage more shoots so planning ahead sounds great to me.
I remember we did one on song titles in the past and I like the idea but I don't want to be too repetitive. What about book titles and or movie titles. Also, in the theme of movies how about recreating movie posters?
12-29-2013, 05:39 AM
I like the idea of deciding some or all in advance. A couple themes that came to mind just now are: Solitary (whatever interpretations come up from that) and Growth (putting it in the spring might be obvious but there are many ways one could interpret it)
12-29-2013, 02:07 PM
Basically I like the idea of assignments in advance. How far in advance is not that important to me. I like the idea of allowing my subconscious to chew on ideas, the longer the better actually. The assignment should be shot in the month of the assignment though, not beforehand.
In thinking about ideas, I came to realize that besides two levels, there are two different types of assignments: general themes (eg. security, movie titles, solitary, etc.) of which there are an infinite variety, versus photography specific themes (eg bokeh, large aperture, flash, HDR, etc.). Both types will interest and challenge me. It wouldn't be too hard to generate a list of the general type themes. The photography ones might become repetitive and therefore I suggest our admin keep track of these and perhaps even suggest them on a random basis.
Some random general theme ideas: tools, communication, shapes, clothing, small, animal, vegetable, mineral, cry, air, hair. Endless. I think Iguanasan made a spreadsheet a while back of previous assignments. Perhaps we could refer to it.
12-29-2013, 05:00 PM
I've thrown together a bunch of possible suggestions
Textures, Eyes, Food, Sense of Scale, Feet, Natural Framing, Low Light / Night, Angles, Circles, Panning, Shadows, Street Photography, Minimalism, Our Changing World (New/Old), Stitching (Panos), Macro (Closeup), Pick a Colour for the Month, Reflections (the obvious water, glass - or perhaps looking back), Backlight and Silhouettes, Fog, Weather (stormy?), Dramatic Skies, Moody, Waterfalls, Abstracts, Isolation, HDR, High Contrast, Minimal DOF, Transportation (Perhaps Nonstandard), Lighting Techniques (Flash or Natural (ex Window Light)), Time, Self Portrait, Lightning, Product, Pets, Toys, Humorous, Energy, ICM, Duality, Long Exposure, Sports.
A lot of these are the basics so most would probably be Level 1 and some may be repeats (didn't check back assignments).
12-30-2013, 10:54 AM
Love it - :) I think there are more than 24 suggestions at this point but please keep them coming!
For ease, I'll put together a list for the full year or a good part of the year on Jan 1 based on these suggestions.
(Just as an FYI, my choices will be completely biased and mostly based on the ease of participation).
12-31-2013, 09:12 AM
Into the light
Candle light
12-31-2013, 03:14 PM
I'll throw in one more suggestion;
01-01-2014, 01:49 AM
Iggy beat me to book titles, so I'll second it.
Mirrored (not the same as reflection)
Study in motion
And the usual favorites, involving pets, people and everyday life.
01-01-2014, 12:09 PM
Hi members!
Okay then, based on these suggestions and comparing with past assignments ( %20EE&usp=sharing#gid=0) (thx iggy) I have come up with seven regular assignments and 7 level 2 assignments for 2014
Regular assignments 2014
Jan - Eyes
Feb - Reflections
March - Security
April - Hidden
May - Street photography
June - Solitary
July - Feet
Level 2 assignments 2014
Jan - Candle light
Feb - Cropped faces (take a portrait and crop the face deliberately)
March - Images that compliment movie titles
April - Sense of scale
May - Shadows
June - Dreamy
July - Into the light
Hope you like these assignments and thanks so much for all the suggestions. The actual assignments should (as usual) be posted in their respective forums.
05-29-2014, 08:29 AM
Just wondering if it is time to start considering some more ideas for the 2nd half of the year?
05-29-2014, 06:24 PM
feel free to toss some ideas!
05-30-2014, 03:59 AM
2 that come immediately to mind are:
"Breaking the rules". I know it was done a few years ago but can be quite creative
"Forced perspective" - just for fun eg. 88 Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective Photography | InstantShift (
I will give it some more thought
05-30-2014, 06:02 AM
"Forced perspective" - just for fun eg. 88 Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective Photography | InstantShift (
that one is awesome
06-18-2014, 10:05 PM
A few more ideas
Selective Focus / Shallow DOF
Multiple exposure (either in-camera or in post)
Frozen Action
Sport/ action
I have also updated Iggy's spreadsheet if anyone is interested Hc&usp=drive_web#gid=0
07-31-2014, 03:09 PM
Ok August is tomorrow so..... Hope everyone is cool with this list constructed from previous ideas.
Regular Assignment
August - Repetition
September - Texture
October - Words
November - Frozen action
December - Emotion
Level 2 Assignment
August - 'Forced perspective' Examples 88 Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective Photography | InstantShift (
September - Chiaroscuro ( - Use of strong contrasts from light to dark.
October - Multiple exposure (either in-camera or in post)
November - Sounds
December - Study in motion
08-01-2014, 05:19 AM
For future reference spreadsheet update here Hc&usp=drive_web#gid=0
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