View Full Version : Deer

02-17-2009, 01:32 AM
Ok, I feel like I might have posted this before so I apologize if I have. I really need some input on this image. I really like it. It was taken in the early hours of morning. There are some highlights around the picture. I know the deer are centered, but the river banks on both sides really explains the location. Since it was taken in the cover of the trees in the middle river, the deer are standing in a highlighted area which draws attention to them. The river is now higher than they stand tall but is only a few inches deep here. The only disturbance in the water is them. Maybe would help from a little burning around the edges? Or a crop off of the bottom highlights? I love this image, as do most others I know, but there is something about it I cant place. Thanks again.

Mad Aussie
02-17-2009, 02:26 AM
It does have some great elements in it and I agree that the foreground blown out highlights do distract. I also think most of the foreground in this case is distracting and a closer crop would help.

It looks like the photo just had too much dynamic range to be taken in a single shot. So what I'm saying is it's unlikely that you could have much better in these circumstances unless you made it an HDR which is difficult with moving subjects but probably not impossible in this case.

It's such a shame the deer themselves don't appear to be in good focus.

The backlighting through the trees and the resulting glow on the water is very nice and calming, adding to the 'softness' that deer seem to bring to a photo.

If this was mine, I'd probably crop out the foreground so it's mostly water at the bottom of the frame and then I'd apply some dof effects (maybe even a glamour filter of some type) to the trees etc so the deer look a little sharper by comparison. I'd sharpen the deer themselves if I could as well of course.

02-17-2009, 02:31 AM
I saw this with your others on another thread and meant to comment on it but now that it is alone that is even better. Personally, I like it it the best. It has a real enchanted forest look to it. I like the shape of the trees in the background, the reflections and the painterly look it has. The real criticisms I will leave to the more knowledgable members.

Mad Aussie
02-17-2009, 02:45 AM
The real criticisms I will leave to the more knowledgable members.
Oh c'mon ... if you think it's crap tell him. He can take it! ;)

Everyone's opinion is important. With photos being so subjective, only getting 'knowledgeable' critiques doesn't provide a full view.

And I've seen some of your photos Raiven ... your opinion counts! ;)

02-17-2009, 11:07 AM
Yeah, anyones opinion counts here. If there is one thing that will help you with your own photography is critiquing others. It will help you verbally communicate the thoughts and feelings you have about an image. Thats all a critique really is, the thoughts and feelings you have in a little more detailed manner. Over time it will help you develop your style of photography as well. It takes practice to critique an image, once you get it though you will feel more comfortable with it. I put this out there for a reason, blast away... Thanks MA, I am going to play around with the crops and maybe some dodging and burning later today.

02-17-2009, 06:53 PM
I like the shot and soft mood but feel we are too far from the deer and the deer seem soft.

02-19-2009, 02:08 PM
I have to agree. The deer should be closer.The fore ground is a little distracting and out of focus.