View Full Version : The Calgary Canon Expo 2013 hosts Douglas Kirkland (Sept 27-28)

09-13-2013, 09:04 AM
I posted a little something on our blog about this event which is co-sponsored by The Camera Store (http://www.thecamerastore.com) (this site's sponsor)
I wish i lived closer to Calgary - I would totally go.
Hope some of you (with disposable cash as the event costs 200. but comes w/50.00 toward Canon gear) can make it.

Calgary Canon EXPO 2013 | Photography.ca (http://www.photography.ca/blog/2013/09/11/calgary-canon-expo-2013/)

09-13-2013, 08:04 PM
I was looking at that as well. :) But it seems you can attend a lecture for $50.00 as well.


09-13-2013, 11:16 PM
Very cool! I guess they have different packages. If you go, you know we'll want a full report :)

09-13-2013, 11:53 PM
It looks like the $200.00 includes 4 lectures over the course of the 2 days. I signed up for the Douglas Kirkland Lecture on the Friday night. It was a choice between that and LeE HARVeY OsMOND at Festival Place but I have seen Tom Wilson a few times. :)

09-30-2013, 11:20 PM
The Kirkland lecture was quite entertaining and uplifting. Douglas Kirkland is now 79 years young and is a lively and enthusiastic speaker. He had a small point and shoot and was exclaiming about advances in technology while going down into the crowd and taking pictures. He himself, was born in Canada. He has had a lifelong love of photography and due to circumstances, ended up working as staff photographer for Look Magazine at the age of 24. Due most likely to a combination of his good looks, enthusiastic demeanour and naiveté, actresses such as Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor took a liking to him. He eventually went on to be the special photographer on more than 150 films. None of this appears to have jaded him in the least as he is still an ardent photographer excited by all the new innovations and advances in photography since his early days as a young man.

Douglas Kirkland (http://www.douglaskirkland.com/DKMain.html)

10-01-2013, 04:45 AM
Thanks for that review Jas! Mind if I post it in the blog as well?


10-01-2013, 09:09 AM
Nope not at all. :)