View Full Version : Facebook Terms of use

09-09-2013, 07:03 PM
I haven't gone back and checked the facts (i.e the terms of use) , but I thought this article may be of interest.

Facebook Changes Terms of Service (http://photofocus.com/2013/09/09/facebook-changes-terms-of-service-photogs-be-wary/)

Original source here

Beware Facebook's New Terms of Service | American Society of Media Photographers (http://asmp.org/fb-tos#.Ui5TUhCBVgc)

09-10-2013, 08:07 AM
It's a good warning but Privacy is dead.
You want private....stay offline....it's sad but if I need to get "active" as in "activist", it's not going to be about Internet Privacy....

In terms of Facebook using your photos without compensation.....that would be very very stupid. I don't believe MZ/facebook is that stupid.
99% of facebook photos are snapshots so facebook has no use for them - the 1% good quality is way too risky for a jillion dollar company to 'use'. Yes their terms of service may allow them to do so...but I just don't see smart companies taking big stupid risks like this.

either way...it's another reason why I'll never post full-sized images anywhere on the net.