View Full Version : Those of you that wear eye glasses

08-26-2013, 01:55 PM
How do you shoot with glasses? I'm 45, so I'm getting to the age wher I need readers, but for now I wear normal near sighted glasses. I find it hard to see the full frame of the viewfinder and REALLY hard to read the EXIF info at the bottom because my eye is not all the way against the viewfinder.

I am thinking of going back to contacts, but is there any other tricks to shooting while wear glasses?

One trick that I do is put the camera in "Program" mode and take a shot. Than I look at the info and go to AV mode and adjust accordingly.

08-27-2013, 03:00 PM
AT, I have worn glasses for distance all my life. Probably because I have never known anything else, I've never had a problem.

08-27-2013, 05:24 PM
I had LASIK. But if you dont want to be that dramatic try this (if you havent aleady done so). Personally I think the first option is very subtle, but if it isnt enough it may be worth exploring the viewfinder adjustment lens (yet another piece of kit to buy!!!!)

Canon Professional Network - Dioptric adjustments: a clear view (http://cpn.canon-europe.com/content/education/technical/dioptric_adjustment_lenses.do)

08-27-2013, 09:11 PM
RM, very good point on the dipotric adjustment. At work we shoot portraits for job seekers to use on their LinkedIn profiles. One of my coworkers who also does some photography has some difficulty with close up vision. We can not use each other's cameras because of the way that he has had to make that adjustment on his.

08-27-2013, 11:10 PM
A few other ideas, (I wear glasses and shoot left eyed so they are always smeared. The glasses not my eyes. ) :( An eyepiece on the camera might be helpful; also make sure your camera's built in diopter is adjusted to your sight if it has one. And as previously mentioned a custom diopter can be added. Something like this may be useful, two kinds of eyepieces - or possibly progressive lenses in your glasses?


or maybe like this?


Jim Scrimger
08-28-2013, 11:02 AM
I'm much older and shoot wearing glasses all my life including 15 years air force photographer and commercial time. I've never known the difference, i.e. shooting without glasses but I image it must be unsettling. As noted check the diopter setting and you might consider a magnifier Eyecup. I have them on my K-5 Pentaxes & sure Nikon and others offer them - about $50 in Canada, $25 or so in U.S. They help a lot. We who must wear glasses are really lucky with today's mid to high end digital cameras - their viewing systems are very much better than the Leica, Nikon film 25mm slr's.