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02-06-2009, 01:29 AM
I spelled the title backwards for a reason.......
These are by far my favorite types of shots. They do not come too often. By far the most preferred method of photography and it is what I will continue to aspire to improve on. The rest is just to keep myself busy. I have been working on these for a long time now, and still have only a few of them. Since I only appreciate the best of them, I hold myself to a higher standard and rarely like anything I take and end up just deleting them. Ill continue to post a few here, kind of like the deer images. Please critique these harshly. Some of them I know are pretty good. Others, well... I have my opinions but I want to hear yours. In the meantime I just want to show them to you. Maybe I can influence some of you. Have not really seen too many abstracts on here. Unfortunately I have already posted a few others on here so there will be a few less.

Ben H
02-06-2009, 05:37 AM
Yeah, I like this kind of thing too. This image feels a little soft to me - or is that a web resizing thing?

02-06-2009, 09:16 AM
It's the show forum - but you did ask...
I like this image a lot. It looks soft but that may just be the filesize. I may have added an inch or 2 at the bottom, but aside from that, well done!

02-06-2009, 10:02 AM
What defines an abstract shot?

Ben H
02-06-2009, 10:56 AM
What defines an abstract shot?

It has to be abstract. ;)

02-06-2009, 11:28 AM
Thanks again guys. After this is printed out, this shot is a lot of fun to look at. It is really sharp and the textures you just want to touch everything. Anyways, stick around and there will be a few more up relatively soon!

02-06-2009, 12:12 PM
Here we are again. I love the colors, textures, and lines in this one. The plug is especially interesting in the full version.

02-06-2009, 12:24 PM
Here is another image I enjoy looking at. Nice and simple. Not a particularly attention grabbing image, but still interesting.

02-06-2009, 02:48 PM
you nailed that last shot jj... ;)

Mad Aussie
02-06-2009, 02:52 PM
What defines an abstract shot?
What she said !
I see a photo of some old pipes ... what makes it abstract exactly?

02-06-2009, 03:45 PM
I like that shot in post 7 - very cool. I like the lines and shapes.

To improve I may have cloned out the white patch on the bottom left and I think i would have stopped down to the max.

I also wonder about the term 'abstract', and I don't think it applies here. The guessing thread you started - THAT's abstract (http://www.photography.ca/Forums/showthread.php?t=1944). For me if I can easily guess what it is, then it's not at all abstract; It's actually concrete.

02-06-2009, 03:55 PM
I dont know what makes a photo abstract myself. I just take pictures. If they are not standard landscapes and B&W images, then I call them abstract. The images I will put up on this thread are images I have considered to be abstract. Maybe you guys can help me with my definitions. I have never officially studied photography, just taken images into my brain and always thought it would be fun. Over the years I have developed tastes for certain things, the only education Ive really had was talking to people about it and forcing myself create images I like. Thanks again everyone. Let me know if my abstract definition is incorrect. It already sounds like it is.

Most have you probably have seen something similar to this. But it is hard to pass up when you see the opportunity.

02-06-2009, 04:20 PM
I get yah now.

I love taking those kind of shots! Now you are going to make me dig through photos...bad...:p

I also like 7. The colors are really vibrant! Ha ha..and you are right..I got a building photo quite similar to that ;)

02-06-2009, 04:45 PM
This guy was on the roof of the apt in ny. I loved it. Had to go back several times, and have hundreds of pictures of it. Yeah, thats how much I have to do. Actually its how much I try and get pictures like these. These are the best of them. Taken in completely different lighting if you can't tell, but the feeling is different in each one as well. Its really is too bad you cant see the detail in these. Maybe one day......Cheers!

Ben H
02-06-2009, 04:51 PM
JJ - all the images you post seem soft, which kinda spoils them for me. Are you using PS to output?

What I usually do on the images is after all the usual adjustments, I run an unsharp mask on the full image to get the detail up, then I resize them for the web (which loses a bunch of sharpess detail), and hit the "sharpen" filter in PS, which is overnasty, then do a "Fade sharpen" and back it off until the websized image has the sharpness I'd like.

This last sharpen step really benefits small images when put up on the web.

I say all this because I really like your images, but am not sure they are being presented in their best glory...

As for your rusty plank one, I did something quite similar, but turned it into this:

I love this close up stuff, texture and detail etc...

02-06-2009, 05:22 PM
I should be job hunting but it does not sound like much fun. After a while it starts to get discouraging. The jobs available now are garbage, HOLD ON FOR A WILD RIDE AMERICA! Most of you probably don't live here. This stuff will keep me entertained for a while. Maybe it will entertain you as well. Enjoy. There are plenty more on the way.

02-06-2009, 06:50 PM
You have some really creative images in here JJ!
BTW do u mind I write JJ instead of jjeling?

Mad Aussie
02-06-2009, 07:29 PM
You have some really creative images in here JJ!
BTW do u mind I write JJ instead of jjeling?
Heeeeey :mad: You never asked me if I mind MA ... What's so special about him Dad??? http://www.mtbdirt.com.au/home/smf/Smileys/classic/hihi.gif

I really like this image jj (Do you mind if I call you whatever I want?? http://www.mtbdirt.com.au/home/smf/Smileys/classic/biglaugha.gif )

... so many colours in the decay of the timber and metal!

02-06-2009, 07:37 PM
You guys are ridiculous. HAHA. I really do not care what you guys call me. Its kind of expected for people to abbreviate your name, especially when typing it out. Thanks again. They are going to continue to come for a while.

Mad Aussie
02-06-2009, 07:45 PM
You guys are ridiculous. HAHA. I really do not care what you guys call me.
Awesome ... thanks Betty Lou http://www.mtbdirt.com.au/home/smf/Smileys/classic/nahnah.gif

02-06-2009, 07:51 PM
JJ..after seeing some more of your photos I was gonna shout to you to put up the water one..I like that one! Beat me to it! You have some great photos! Once I have some time.. meaning kids in bed.. have more time to look!

Keep up your hobby! :)

02-07-2009, 12:14 AM
Abstract is not representational of the object you are taking a picture of. You are taking the essence of color and form in an aesthetic arrangement. That abstraction is art. Most of the time abstract art does not have a function and is art in its form.

Most photography has a function, a picture of a car shows you that it is a car. The idea of an abstract photo is to take a shot of that car that is not representational of the car.

Like the first picture in the thread, is it a sink? is it outside plumbing?

Abstract art is just that.

Here are a few examples:

A cloud, that you take a picture of, cropped because that crop looks like a dog is an abstract. An underwater picture of a bunch of bubbles is abstract.

One thing to remember... abstract doesn't have to be anything and that is the idea.

02-07-2009, 12:30 AM
Thanks you for the compliments you guys. Kat, after some consultation, I have reconsidered to enter myself back into the games. In the meantime, this thread is going to continue with these next couple images....CHEERS!

02-07-2009, 12:32 AM
Those cars have always been some of my favorites.. So has this one

02-07-2009, 01:26 AM
ooooook. Im bored, one more.

02-07-2009, 04:37 PM
Just curious if anyone has anyone has a type of photography this would be considered? It would be helpful to know. People ask what kind of pictures I take. I respond by saying just about everything, but abstracts are my favorite. Would it be easier to just say 'things' HAHA!

02-07-2009, 05:55 PM
Just curious if anyone has anyone has a type of photography this would be considered? It would be helpful to know. People ask what kind of pictures I take. I respond by saying just about everything, but abstracts are my favorite. Would it be easier to just say 'things' HAHA!

But of course, this is fine art photography :D
Love the shot of the blind in post #25 btw and i dig the waves in post 19 as well!

02-07-2009, 06:02 PM
How did I know you were going to say that? To be honest marko, that is the reason I found my way to this site. Although it does not particularly come up in typical searches for me(since I live in the states), most of the other sites I have found(based here) have been just regular photo forums. One was over 15,000 members strong, and another was good, but died after about 6 months. This place is nice, small town feel with knowledge, support, appreciation and willing to help. Couldn't be happier, Thanks again.

02-08-2009, 12:33 AM
Oh yeah still going..... and going....

02-08-2009, 08:25 AM
This place is nice, small town feel with knowledge, support, appreciation and willing to help. Couldn't be happier, Thanks again.

Sounds like Canada to me ;)

02-09-2009, 05:29 PM
These came out of the lightbox a couple weeks ago. Trying to get creative again. Turned out pretty well. The last one is a little crooked, but I noticed it after it was resized. It is now fixed in the full size version.

Mad Aussie
02-09-2009, 09:51 PM
very .... abstract! :)

I've only taken a few practice shots with the lightbox I built but I wasn't looking at the abstract and weird lighting effects type photography. More the stock shots stuff.

02-10-2009, 07:08 PM
Forgive me for putting up so many photo's at one time. An electronics store in town is going out of business. They had a portable table studio at over 50% off. It was only like 20 bucks, had to get it. It came with lights, little tripod and the light box. Ok, now I have done stuff like this and have plenty of results very similar to this. Anyways, these turned out quite exceptional. Its stuff like this I would want to put into a portfolio, but, as marko suggested, its good to get input from people in the community as reassurance. So, here are the ones from today.

Again my apologies for having so many.

02-10-2009, 07:09 PM
They might be a little soft, but full versions are STUNNING!

02-10-2009, 07:09 PM
Last one. This one I like, but not 100%

02-11-2009, 10:19 AM
Some more fun work JJ.
I really like this shot in particular. So futuristic :highfive:

02-11-2009, 11:12 PM
Ready for more? No more glass? Maybe staring down the barrel might help?