View Full Version : Lensbaby Composer & Optic Swap System [Mini-Review]

02-04-2009, 02:37 PM

I recently received the Lensbay Composer and Optic Swap System kit (3 lenses) and I just started to experiment with it. I posted kind of a mini-review & introduction for those who are wondering what does it do and what can be achieve with thes lenses. I have not tried the Muse of Control Freak, so anybody has comments about those, feel free to reply :P

Lensbaby Composer & Optic Swap System [Mini-Review] (http://bloguedegeek.net/2009/01/29/lensbaby-composer-et-les-optiques-interchangeables-test/)


02-05-2009, 05:09 AM
The shop I buy from let me drop a composer on my d90. I was not really impressed with it, gimmicky really. Just my opinion really. Although, I did get a few cool looking shots, it almost looks like it could be done via radial blur in photoshop.

02-05-2009, 09:19 AM
Yes and no, nowadays you can fake almost everything with post-processing, but some are still impossible to achieve like polarizing and infrared. I would be guessing that with the Lensbaby that you can't replicate it with the same feeling of movement, especially with the plastic lens, that ghost effect is really nice.

02-05-2009, 11:21 AM
Its in FRENCH! At least thats what I studied in high school and in college. I could have used a translator but what is the fun in that. It was not too hard to figure out most of it but something things in there I could not make out. Anyways, I have heard a few stories of people using these. Its nothing Im in a hurry to try. I would rather learn more PP techniques. But there are some cool things you can do with it, just look at those shots.

02-05-2009, 11:27 AM
I've got you covered! Click the American flag on the right column to get an English translation. It's not perfect, but at least you will get a good laugh! :D