View Full Version : Vintage Canadian Kodak Company books
01-24-2013, 05:35 PM
I have a small website about the old Kodak book 'How to Make Good Pictures', (
There is a page for editions from around the world.
I have not been able to find many pictures or much information about editions from Canada.
(I live in Wales, UK.)
I wonder if anyone could kindly help fill in any of the gaps?
Has anyone got any information or especially scans that I could use please?
(I know that the very early editions from 1912 on had Canadian Kodak Company on the cover, and that later editions were imported USA versions with a small Canadian Kodak sticker inside.)
I'd be really grateful for any help (at all)!
Mike Guilbault
01-28-2013, 11:29 PM
I have a 30th Edition (1957) 1st Printing, that I got from Dad many years ago, but it is definitely a US 'version' with no mention of Canada anywhere I'm afraid.
I also have a copy of "Kodakery ~ A Magazine for Amateur Photographers", December 1926, Vol. XIV, No. 4.
Published monthly, Subscriptions; one year 60 cents, Two Years, One Dollar.
01-31-2013, 06:40 PM
Many thanks for your reply, Mike. Sorry not to respond sooner but I've only just seen it (didn't get notification).
I do have a small section for US editions, and have just a scan of the 1957 hard cover so far.
I'm not sure why, but I find the 'detective' work in trying to track down world editions to be quite enjoyable, especially when I discover an unexpected edition.
I just found a 1983 French edition with a completely different title (but same book).
I find it interesting to see how much of a world-wide phenomenon this little book was.
But, as they say, opinion is divided - I find it interesting, everyone else in the world doesn't....
02-03-2013, 03:28 AM
I wasn't going to say anything, but I have an entire set of the 35th or 36th edition. I have them boxed in my storage and I'm pretty sure they're the US edition. Came pretty close to digging them out today until I opened the door and looked inside. :eek:
02-03-2013, 05:55 AM
I wasn't going to say anything, but I have an entire set of the 35th or 36th edition. I have them boxed in my storage and I'm pretty sure they're the US edition. Came pretty close to digging them out today until I opened the door and looked inside. :eek:
Thanks for the reply Barefoot.
Just in case you reconsider your wise decision and disappear into your storage (possibly never to be seen again) can I just check we are talking about the same thing? I was refering to the Kodak book 'How to Make Good Pictures' so I'm a bit puzzled.
When you say 'entire set' is this (a) a humourous exaggeration (b) a strange Canadian idiom for a single item (c) a large typo (d) something I haven't thought of that will make me look like an idiot or (e) a reference to some magazines / journals like Kodakery?
I suspect (e} as Kodakery has been mentioned in this thread.
Please forgive my rudeness; I really do appreciate anybody taking an interest, but I wouldn't want you to undertake such a hazardous task in vain (you should see my 'storage').
02-03-2013, 10:25 AM
The mistake is mine. The cover of that 35&36th edition of How to Make Good Pictures bore a striking resemblance to the series I have titled The Kodak Library of Creative Photography ( I'm currently reading an instructional manual from the early 40's titled "How to remove your foot from your mouth". :laugh:
02-21-2013, 06:15 PM
Site updated a bit with a Canadian French version of How to Take Good Pictures, a scan of (one type) of Canadian Kodak sticker, and a few USA/Canadian 80s/90s versions.
Still looking for more info....
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