View Full Version : My Christmas Foster Dog this Year
12-23-2012, 12:59 PM
Cavva - amazing little female red heeler who came from a deplorable situation and has the physical scars to prove it. Rescued with 42 other red and blue heelers from a quonset hut this girl is experiencing everything for the first time. I will probably keep this resilient little doll as she gets along great with Bear! To see her trust after all she's been through is truly a gift.
12-23-2012, 04:52 PM
Nice pic, and seems like a very nice dog. Looks like you have a nice dog, and it's nice when dogs can be rescued from that sort of thing. Just wish people like that wouldn't buy dogs in the first place though.
12-24-2012, 12:47 PM
Even though I'm not religious, Bless you Casil!
Cute pic as well!
12-25-2012, 06:53 AM
That is a beautiful pic Casil, and I love the fact that you may keep her, as I know she will be loved/cared for so well. As for the story on how you got her. I just wish they had so much tougher punishment for acts such as this, or any animal abuse, within our "injustice" system.
Btw, love the breed also, and would love to see a colour pic of her.
12-25-2012, 12:04 PM
Thanks Marko, Realist and HBG.
HBG here she is in colour.
Btw, Her lip and part of her nose is missing and some teeth due to apparently being pulled through a chain link fence. Even though it is harsh, it doesn't bother her (except she snores...loudly at times!!) and gives her a bit of character I think.
She and Bear have taken over the couch!
12-30-2012, 09:34 AM
That's a good photograph. I expect she'll make you laugh and cry over the next few years. God bless you both, Lisa.
12-30-2012, 09:51 AM
Love the colour photo as well. Such a lively fun-loving breed that aims to please soooo much. Glad she is in a loving home now.
12-30-2012, 07:01 PM
Good on ya! I can't understand why people have to be like that and hurt other creatures. This is a lovely shot of her, Casil.
Cheers and happy holidays.
01-01-2013, 01:32 PM
Thanks for the well-wishes guys.
Unfortunately, I had to make the hardest decision in a while which is I've decided not to keep her. I realized that I'm bleeding dog food and ultimately financially 2 dogs is just not feasible for me. However by fostering her for 3 weeks I've gotten her house-trained, she's learned to be off leash at the dog park, she's not nearly as fearful of humans now, she's learned crating, and how to be OK loose in the house while I'm at work and she's learned what it is like to live in a warm loving home with another dog. Pretty good Christmas Present I'd say.
Bonus...2 people are interested in adopting her when she goes back so she should find a permanent home in no time.
Bonus for me...I get to do this again for another dog next year! :)
01-01-2013, 02:09 PM
That sure is a lot for a dog to learn in a few weeks. At least you made an impact and are able to give the dog to a good home, that's what counts.
01-03-2013, 06:05 PM
Wow! Beautiful dog and such a sad story........some people. Its a nice thing you are doing.
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