08-22-2012, 07:47 AM
Following are the reworks of a couple of the images in this months "10 shot" assignment.
I have included the 3rd shot, not so much because I like it, but as an example to anyone who hasnt yet been converted, as to why it is a good idea to shoot raw. This is the same as shot 9 processed from the raw file. (
Yarra River ( by runmonty (, on Flickr (
rower ( by runmonty (, on Flickr
I have included the 3rd shot, not so much because I like it, but as an example to anyone who hasnt yet been converted, as to why it is a good idea to shoot raw. This is the same as shot 9 processed from the raw file. (
Yarra River ( by runmonty (, on Flickr (
rower ( by runmonty (, on Flickr